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Where does everyone cut their sticks?

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Hey guys.. was having an interesting read on an article on the net about NHL player's stick heights.

I know this is a very personal preference.. but was interested to see what fellow modsquaders were chopping their sticks to? nose? chin? shoulder height?

Let us know!

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I without a doubt like a shorter stick for puck handling but I feel a longer stick gets me better leverage when shooting. Having used my sticks all last season below my chin 3 inches I went back to at my chin for shooting purposes.

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Mine's just under my nose, but I play D. I think I'm a gross exception too, I know my stick handling suffers for it, but I have gotten quite used to the long reach.

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I like the stiff feeling of the shorter stick when shooting as I don't like wet noodles. I also like to bring the puck in a little when shooting and that helps me utilize the sticks flex and compensate for less leverage. I also find the short stick easier for faceoffs and along the boards as well as when I have one hand on the stick mostly bc it cuts down on the leverage

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I am the odd duck. My sticks are nearly as tall as me. I am 6'0 (72 inches) and I think my sticks are 65 inches long heel-to-toe (which is about 71 inches against a wall). I have very short arms though for someone my height and a very long torso as well.

Team T-Rex hard at work!

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6ft tall guy here.

Most of my sticks are about 62" against the wall which is somewhere around my collarbone on skates. I used to have them up to my lower lip years ago, but started cutting it short to get better control of the puck. I've started using 75-80 flex sticks and use mainly snappers. Might be playing more D in the future, so might just put a 3" plug in my backup 85 flex stick and see how that plays.

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There are some good points there like keeping the stick in front of you, having the blade on the ice flatter, and having the stick not get in your own way. But do not that some of those pics have an illusion where sticks arnt straight etc etc. Also these are offensive guys, not that there is anything wrong with that but there is personal preference involved.

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I've tried various lengths and keep going back to "the standard" (to the nose without skates, chin on skates)

Luckily most intermediate sticks are exactly the right length, so I haven't cut a stick in a long time.

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