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Testimonial about Eagle Hockey gloves

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Yes, this could be a show it off topic, but I think this actually merits it's own post.

Look through the custom glove and show it off threads, you will read about the specs of my gloves. ya ya blah blah blah and whatever...

If you read through my specs, I have goat leather on the outer shell, palms and gussets. Were they sweat boxes? No, actually. I liked the way these felt after one and a half hours of hockey. They didn't feel gross. After wearing them whilst watching tele for a full week, they felt game-ready. It did take longer to make these game-ready compared to other palm materials, but is well worth the time. I had the same mobility as any synthetic palm, without the nastiness normally I feel with synthetics. I used to think the synthetic materials didn't hold the sweat. These just felt slightly moist after and hour and a half.

What I really want to spout about is the way Eagle treated me. Gus did his best to make certain I got what I wanted. If you don't have a dealer, Gus will figure out a way to make it work (no direct sales, however). Eagle Hockey is one of the good guys in the business. With many designs and materials available, you can literally get whatever you want. Want leather gloves with gretzky cuffs? Gus could probably make that happen. Want a discontinued design? Eagle can make it happen. Eagle can do a truly custom glove. I was even offered a non-logo'd glove!!!! I don't know if they would do that for all designs, but I thought it was cool I could get a no-logo glove!!!

If I am hoping a few more orders come in to Eagle for gloves, I am guilty as charged. I like these blokes and want them to do well!!!!

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thank you so much for sharing your story. I love Eagle gloves but for some reason have never done a custom order through them. I think this might be where some of my 2013 tax refund goes. I'll probably rip off a lot of your design. :)

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Go for it!!!!

Make certain you have a good relationship with a dealer and forward all e mails to the contact at your dealer. On the surface, it only seems like custom colours and materials, but Gus will work with you to get exactly what you want.

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Jessie from the hockey shop also did a great job. I ordered 3 pairs of custom eagles all discontinued models with a very specific discontinued cuff. Eagle will do whatever you want as long as they have the materials.

Unfortunately looks like warrior is going toward overseas customization with there new designs.

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Your closest Eagle glove to a Vapor is most likely the Talon. I'm partial to X51's as that's what I'm wearing now. The new Aero model that Myers is wearing looks great though I might have to take the plunge on those!

Giancarlo depending on the fit your after the X51 and X70 are my two favs although the CP94 has been the bread bringer for years at Eagle they are a franchise fit, but better!

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Your closest Eagle glove to a Vapor is most likely the Talon. I'm partial to X51's as that's what I'm wearing now. The new Aero model that Myers is wearing looks great though I might have to take the plunge on those!

Giancarlo depending on the fit your after the X51 and X70 are my two favs although the CP94 has been the bread bringer for years at Eagle they are a franchise fit, but better!

Any pics of the Aero model?

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ppf x88 is my recommendation in real leather!!!!

btw- Gus should be in the office tomorrow.

I've been checking out the x88 and I like it. Anything I should ask for?

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ppf x88 is my recommendation in real leather!!!!

btw- Gus should be in the office tomorrow.

The best Eagles I ever owned were CP94s in nylon with a black goat palm. I still kick myself in the ass for selling them as cheaply as I did.

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I've been checking out the x88 and I like it. Anything I should ask for?

I like all goat, including the palms. The palms feel moist after being used in a game or in open skate, but never feels slimy like other synthetic palms. I like the burnt-in logos on the tan.

The best Eagles I ever owned were CP94s in nylon with a black goat palm. I still kick myself in the ass for selling them as cheaply as I did.

Once you go goat, you can't go back!!! I will have no other palms on any glove I buy or have re-palmed.

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I recently sent my gloves in to get re-palmed by Eagle. I am fine with MSH3 they will be putting on, however would I have been able to request goat?

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