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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer supreme skates

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I am looking to upgrade my skates after picking up hockey last year. The CCM shock le skates I have are creasing and feel really soft. I went shopping yesterday and tried on every skate they had in and around my size regardless of price point and the bauer supreme series seem to fit great he had me try on the one.9 and it fit like a glove but is way above my price range.

My question is if I am trying to stay around 350 dollars should I just go with the one.7 now or wait until the higher end models go on sale or see if can find them used or something. I am 230 lbs and although I'm not a very good skater I can generate some power and think I need a stiff boot but I am newish to this and could use advice.

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I think beginner skaters should generally try to use softer skates, as I think it takes a certain degree of skill to use a stiffer boot effectively, without it destroying your stride. Generally speaking (and I do emphasize "generally" here), I think you should use a boot that gives you enough support so that you aren't a constant ankle sprain risk, but is pliable enough to let your ankle have some flexibility for stride length, and also to allow for your ankles and calves to build strength and stability. It'll make you a better skater in the long run, I promise you.

That being said, you are a huge guy, so a soft boot for you may be stiffer for everyone else. The One.7 is not a bad skate for you, perhaps a very slight bit on the soft side. Ultimately, you should try it on in person, and see whether you're comfortable with it, especially as someone who's relatively new and is not quite sure what works for you yet.

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I am looking to upgrade my skates after picking up hockey last year. The CCM shock le skates I have are creasing and feel really soft. I went shopping yesterday and tried on every skate they had in and around my size regardless of price point and the bauer supreme series seem to fit great he had me try on the one.9 and it fit like a glove but is way above my price range.

My question is if I am trying to stay around 350 dollars should I just go with the one.7 now or wait until the higher end models go on sale or see if can find them used or something. I am 230 lbs and although I'm not a very good skater I can generate some power and think I need a stiff boot but I am newish to this and could use advice.

I was in a similar situation 2 years ago right before bauer released the the one.# line. I had a pair of grafs that desperately needed to be replaced so I bought the one70s. To wait for the new line to come out you have to wait till most likely april, and depending on your size the older models may sell out quicker especially the higher end skates.

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How much do prices generally come down? I am thinking maybe the one.8 will drop down to my range but I don't know if that will be enough of an upgrade to justify the extra money.

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Sorry to go off topic a little..

Have you tried on Easton Stealth RS, thought I'd mention as their price have gone down to $399 recently and by all means they are a higher end skate than a Supreme One.7 or One.8

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Have you looked for previous years' models like the One.70, One.80 or One.90? Prices can be as low as 50% or less of retail, but selection is more limited....also check the gear exchange here.

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My view is that you will not be disappointed with the one.7, especially coming from the skate you're presently in. The only question is whether you will then want to upgrade again in a year or so.

When it comes to skates, you don't want them to hurt, but Ideally, you should spend until it hurts (your wallet). In a year, you will thank yourself.

If you need a deal, and aren't fussed about supporting a LHS, now that you know what works, you could always search the interwebs for a price you like. happy hunting!

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If you're going to stay at the one.7 or one.8 range you will be fine. I used to play college club hockey and I currently have had the one70s for two years. I am usually one the ice about 3 days a week for about 2 hours. They are still plenty stiff for me. Sure I would love the one.9 or total ones, but I also don't have $600+ to blow on skates either.

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I went to the perani's in michigan and they were cleaned out of all the last years stuff in my size. The rs was the one I was most interested in but they didn't have any. The crazy lights too. I have been glued to eBay looking though

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Check online stores. Easton RS skates are massively discounted right now. Crazy Lights are too.

The Bauer Nexus line is discounted as well, if you fit into them.

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Check online stores. Easton RS skates are massively discounted right now. Crazy Lights are too.

The Bauer Nexus line is discounted as well, if you fit into them.

Are they phasing out the Nexus? Isn't that a new line?

Andy in Peoria

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I don't think they are, but prices have been reduced. For example Nexus 800 are now $399.99 instead of $599.99 on Total Hockey. Still MAP though, so no additional discount can be had.

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I went to the perani's in michigan and they were cleaned out of all the last years stuff in my size. The rs was the one I was most interested in but they didn't have any. The crazy lights too. I have been glued to eBay looking though

Keep eBay searching and Google searching. I was watching for Vapor X5.0's to come below $199 and found X7.0's for $149.





HockeyWorld.com (Perani's)

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That's what's exciting. I was pumped to get some 7.0 a bit vapors do not fit my feet well. I have a normal heel and a wide middle which leads to fit issues. The crazy lights were my first though but I have to wear a couple pairs of socks for my heel to stop from sliding around.

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