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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Seaweed Stick Wax?

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I use sex wax. Sex wax preserves your tape job, keeps snow off of the blade and is *supposed* to make your shot faster (I don't know about that). I like how snow doesn't stick to the blade, myself.

Never seen seaweed wax. I use Sex Wax on my drum sticks, as it keep my sweaty palms from throwing the sticks, so I like the brand. A&R is just paraffin. Some prefer paraffin, some like Sex Wax. Sex Wax does smell pretty awesome.

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All wax does these things that Soul and bunny are saying. Some just do it better than others.

I use blade tape almost exclusively these days but when I wax a blade, ;) I use NA Snap Wax. It is the stickiest wax available to me and that I know of. Sex wax, and Snap wax are made for cold weather applications. So they are a step up on regular candle wax.

I'm pretty sure there is a stick wax thread somewhere in this forum.

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A few years ago, I got some samples of the Seaweed Wax. Looked like a gimmick but I gave the to some of the local junior players to try. They loved it. I started stocking it and customers have been real happy with it. very gummy. Give it a try.

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