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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton RS Blade Issue

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Bought a brand new RS, and after 2 and a half months of use, I have a big split in the bottom of the blade that runs from the heel to the toe.

When I flex the blade in my hands , the whole split opens up.

Anyone else have this happen with their stick?

I'm pretty disappointed because I only skate in 2 shinny games a week , with no slap shots, and the guy's don't hack and slash each other.

The shaft still looks brand new, and the blade is not banged up on the toe yet, or have any chips.

This is brutal durability.

This is like my Si-Core (orange one) all over again. I expect more than this, for a stick in this price range.

Any other RS users with this problem?

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I know a lot of you guy's break sticks easily, but this is only the second time I've had this poor durability.

Those blades must be made of glass.

A poor job by Easton.

Would I be better suited to use Bauer sticks?

What is the durability like on the Total One and APX blades?

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Every Bauer stick I've used has been a tank, though I've only used mid-range sticks, (x40, One55, One60, One80). They've all had the paint chip pretty badly from hacks & faceoffs, but no structural damage and the blades have never chipped or split on me. Trust me, I don't baby my sticks so I'd have to say durability in the mid-range is excellent. The only Bauer stick I actually broke was the One55, after a full year of use, (roughly 50 games). The only reason it broke is because a 225lb guy fell on the shaft.

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Every Bauer stick I've used has been a tank, though I've only used mid-range sticks, (x40, One55, One60, One80). They've all had the paint chip pretty badly from hacks & faceoffs, but no structural damage and the blades have never chipped or split on me. Trust me, I don't baby my sticks so I'd have to say durability in the mid-range is excellent. The only Bauer stick I actually broke was the One55, after a full year of use, (roughly 50 games). The only reason it broke is because a 225lb guy fell on the shaft.

+1 for what boo said. I have broken maybe 3 bauer OPS and they where used for a decent amount of time and they where all on slap shots about 3 inches up from the blade. I too use the mid range bauers (one 60, one 80 and now a one.6) I did try out an RSII and the blade chipped at the toe after about 10 skates or so.

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Mid range sticks have better durability due to the amount of fiberglass they use during the construction of the stick. Higher end sticks have all carbon fiber and no fiberglass, which translates to increased performance and decreased durability. Mid range sticks have more fiberglass and less carbon fiber, which translates to decreased performance and increased durability.

So the comparison between mid range Bauer's and a top of the line Easton isn't an apples to apples comparison. Any brands mid range sticks will be more durable than their top of the line counterpart.

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Mid range sticks have better durability due to the amount of fiberglass they use during the construction of the stick. Higher end sticks have all carbon fiber and no fiberglass, which translates to increased performance and decreased durability. Mid range sticks have more fiberglass and less carbon fiber, which translates to decreased performance and increased durability.

So the comparison between mid range Bauer's and a top of the line Easton isn't an apples to apples comparison. Any brands mid range sticks will be more durable than their top of the line counterpart.

True, but Easton's blades lack durability across the board. I've used Mid and low end Eastons and no blade has made it through more than 6 or 7 games without visible damage. Also, your point about composition is more applicable to the shafts as opposed to the blades, (Although not without merit).

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Mid range sticks have better durability due to the amount of fiberglass they use during the construction of the stick. Higher end sticks have all carbon fiber and no fiberglass, which translates to increased performance and decreased durability. Mid range sticks have more fiberglass and less carbon fiber, which translates to decreased performance and increased durability.

So the comparison between mid range Bauer's and a top of the line Easton isn't an apples to apples comparison. Any brands mid range sticks will be more durable than their top of the line counterpart.

I can agree with what you are saying. I probably should have put in my post I do have friends who have used top of the line OPS from bauer (Total one and Apx 2) and they haven't had any blade issues with their sticks either.

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Easton for sure has had more issues with blade durability compared to other brands, which get worse as you move to the high end offerings. The RSll is where they started to improve the durability of the blades. From the original RS back to the S17 the blade durability was definitely suspect.

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I would put Warrior and Easton together in the blade durability department. Nice sticks but even the second release (RS2 and Mako2) went quickly on everyone I know who had one.

Total Ones and APXs were pretty good but I've seen some issues with NXGs were I believe they got the trade off between lightness versus reliability wrong (when our U21 national team breaks 40 of them inside of 3 weeks then there is something amiss).

For most players I know, 10 weeks with a top end Easton is currently par for the course.

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