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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks with grip: knob

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Hey, I've been looking online for this answer but couldn't find one. I'm new to hockey and I've recently purchased a reebok A.i5. The stick comes with it's own grip. I haven't experimented with many sticks especially not recently and wonder if players tape the top hand area of their stick before the knob on these kind of "grip sticks"?

I was thinking that maybe they do the knob but not the palm area?

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Yea, Ive thought about not taping anything other than the knob itself (and have seen some players, including NHL players who do just the knob on grip sticks), but I like having ribs in my grip so I still make my own.

If you don't care about texture and JUST want grip, give just a knob a try. Can't hurt to try it!

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its all a matter of personal preference really, exactly, give it a shot, maybe go to a few sticks and pucks with just the knob of the stick taped. I still prefer the tape up there myself.

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After almost 40 years of cloth tape and a knob this past year I switched to a knob and a layer of the clear tape on top since all of my shafts have a wooden plug in them. All are OPS broken and converted to 2 pc or straight up old 2 pc sticks... I got a new paid of Bauer 4 roll gloves last march and didn't want to chew the palms up. Frankly, the grip was just fine for me with any of my current shafts with the clear tape on top even when wet. If I ever buy a new stick I figure that I'll just put a knob on the end and skip the tape...

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After almost 40 years of cloth tape and a knob this past year I switched to a knob and a layer of the clear tape on top since all of my shafts have a wooden plug in them. All are OPS broken and converted to 2 pc or straight up old 2 pc sticks... I got a new paid of Bauer 4 roll gloves last march and didn't want to chew the palms up. Frankly, the grip was just fine for me with any of my current shafts with the clear tape on top even when wet. If I ever buy a new stick I figure that I'll just put a knob on the end and skip the tape...

If you don't want to chew up palms, use grip tape on top of your cloth tape job.

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If you don't want to chew up palms, use grip tape on top of your cloth tape job.

It's the edge of the stick that chews up the palm, not the type of tape.

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It's personal preference, I however like the grip of the stick itself and use that instead, I just add a little knob at the top. If I do decide to tape the top part, I often find a "glue" effect of the tape sticking to my gloves and I hate that, and cannot be bothered with putting baby powder over the tape to preventing it from happening.


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