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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help identifying a favorite blade pattern

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Back in my 2 piece days I had picked up a couple of blades from a local shop which were prostocks from a nearby college team and I loved the pattern. I attached the links to the images of it below, but the best way to describe it is Drury like with the loft starting earlier starting but slightly less twist overall. Also there is not the rocker to the front part of the blade like the typical Drury pattern so it felt like it played to a lower lie even though it about the same or at best a hair lower.

Anyway, I loved this pattern and the only reason I kept this blade (broken near the hosel) is to match it up to a worthy replacement someday.

Does this ring a bell for anyone as far as a Bauer id pattern or something similar with another company? Hoping a fresh set of eyes might generate a lead.


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If it's more heel and I'm just not seeing it in RH, could be a P72/Styles

If it's an older blade from a college team I've got to imagine its a pro bank curve, not a true custom and slightly more readily available

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If it's more heel and I'm just not seeing it in RH, could be a P72/Styles

If it's an older blade from a college team I've got to imagine its a pro bank curve, not a true custom and slightly more readily available

I second this. Looks more like a P72.

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I second this. Looks more like a P72.

It doesn't look deep enough to be a P72 to me. I used that curve for years prior to switching to the Vanek/P89/Darby style

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It doesn't look deep enough to be a P72 to me. I used that curve for years prior to switching to the Vanek/P89/Darby style

Agreed. I had a P72 in that same blade and the OP's curve isn't as open.

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Take a look at these pictures. Does your blade look the same?

I'd have to say that looks as close as anything else I have seen. I think it's just the angle the curve pic was taken at that makes it seem more open.

If I uploaded a shot of the bottom there really isn't much in the way of depth- just kind of kinks at the heel then gradually opens all the way down.

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Looks an awful lot like a p89 to me. I have used blades like that. IIRC, the pattern # might be listed on the tenon. I can double check this later on.

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I agree. It very easy to transition to the PPO9 from the Darby/Vanek. Just have to roll your wrist more when shooting. But I found a few more Darbys so Im back baby!!!

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Looks an awful lot like a p89 to me. I have used blades like that. IIRC, the pattern # might be listed on the tenon. I can double check this later on.

I'll take a look on the tenon but I have to wade through a nice layer of tape residue from supplementing a less than snug fit in the shaft. If I find it I'll report back.

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