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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best stick out right now?

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Just wanted to get people's take on a very subjective topic. Price not being a factor, what stick is the most effective on the market right now? There is alot of hype around weight, material, kick point etc. At the end of the day unless you are playing at a very high level you need a stick to do it all. Right now i'm using BauerTotalOne/Kane/85 which i love but wondering if it gets any better or should i just stick with what i got? At $260 a pop you cant risk getting burned if you don't have an opportunity to demo in your area.

Appreciate the feedback.

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tre_gilbert06.jpg:cool: its a toss-up between these

Seriously though, with the new releases coming this spring/summer how much better is the Nexus and the MX3 sticks? Also i've felt the new Warriors and they feel good but are they a step up from the Bauer line.

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Judging by usage in the Show, Easton V9(E)s and NXGs seem to be the most well-represented. I thought APX2s would be more popular but it doesn't appear to have caught on as much as the APX1s.

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We've reached a point where just about every major manufacturer's high end stick is exceptional. It comes down to whatever your preference/technique is. Case in point, you seem to like the Total One, I hate the Total One. I think its extremely well constructed, but I just don't find it very compatible with my shooting mechanics or the feel I look for which is better suited to an APX 2/RS2 or low kick Warrior model. Find a curve and flex profile you like and try to match that across brands if you feel the need to experiment.

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The most outstanding in terms of weight is definitely the EK15 at around 385 grams. They're also hand-built, so that's different from the competition. However, as everyone else will tell you, it's all about subjective preference. There's a reason P.K. Subban and others are still using SE16s dressed up as other sticks. If they thought they could gain a definite advantage from using a newer stick, they'd switch.

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The most outstanding in terms of weight is definitely the EK15 at around 385 grams. They're also hand-built, so that's different from the competition. However, as everyone else will tell you, it's all about subjective preference. There's a reason P.K. Subban and others are still using SE16s dressed up as other sticks. If they thought they could gain a definite advantage from using a newer stick, they'd switch.

PK's is a true S19 I believe.

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We've reached a point where just about every major manufacturer's high end stick is exceptional. It comes down to whatever your preference/technique is. Case in point, you seem to like the Total One, I hate the Total One. I think its extremely well constructed, but I just don't find it very compatible with my shooting mechanics or the feel I look for which is better suited to an APX 2/RS2 or low kick Warrior model. Find a curve and flex profile you like try to match that across brands if you feel the need to experiment.

Fantastic post, far and away the best advice someone could give you. There is no "BEST", only what will work best for you.

The expense of high end sticks makes it difficult to pick the right one. The most important thing is to know what you like and look for how similar sticks perform.

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It's definitely an SE16 dressed as an S19.


Which makes you wonder, why has he been so reluctant to switch to newer graphics? I'm pretty sure he has some SE16 painted as V9Es as well (saw them in 24CH), but he doesn't use them in games.


sometimes athletes in other sports use older models/graphics to indicate that they're open for an endorsement deal. no idea about the specifics in his case, but it's a possibility.

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