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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help: Graf G75 holder replacement..

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Hi guys, I use Graf G75's (size 9.5ee). I am sick of the blades coming loose on the cobra holders every game so im looking for a straight swap replacement holder. I will need to swap holders myself as no store nearby (in Aus) can help.. so prefer no drilling of new holes in holder or boot.

Can anyone help?

Current holder size is 280. Can I just buy another set of size 280 holders (new tuuks or speedblades) and straight swap them using the original graf screws to secure them?

Know its a long shot.. Thanks in advance :)

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I've only had G3's or G5's but the cobra holder has different mounting holes to anything that tuuk or speedblade produce. You will have to get the boot drilled and then riveted. Also you will have to drill a hole in the bottom of your boot so you can access the release screw for the blade (eg Tuuks) otherwise you have to take the rivets out every time you want to change the blade. The holder change isn't hard to do, a decent shop should be able to do it for you.

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This is a known weak spot of the cobra holder, generally caused by over tightening which deforms the plastic around the screw. When under stress, the plastic moves and the screw comes loose. As Buzz suggested, loctite or similar is a good start for a fix but I found once the plastic has deformed it's just a matter of time before you need to replace the holder to fix the issue. Have a look on ebay, the cobra holders aren't expensive and because they are mounted with screws, they are an easy swap at home. Also Monkey have the 5000's for sale, you can find other Graf dealers if you look online (Graf website will lead you to a dealer page) and most will ship overseas. Holders aren't that big or heavy so shipping costs to Aussie won't be too bad.

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The Cobra 5000s don't absorb as much water and deform as badly as the older models did. Eventually, all holders will get deformed.

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Howdy all, thought I'd give an update. Red loctite didnt help out too much, I am still finding the blade comes loose on my right skate during every game. I had them sharpened the other day and the fellow noticed that the right blade is very marginally not straight so I think the holder might have deformed as Chadd mentioned.

I think I am pretty lucky that I haven't had a full on blow out mid game yet... With that in mind, I have been considering new skates for a little while now so I am going to bring that purchase forward and (try to) convert these ones to inline skates.

Cheers for the help guys :)

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