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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best low kick point stick

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Ok so I have been a fan of the reebok sickick sticks. I have become less of a fan since the ribcor series came out. I'm not sure what it is, but my snapshots are just nowhere near as good, to the point where I was shanking shots all of the time. So i went back to my 20k and the problems went away.

The blade on my 20k is shot now though and I started using the ribcor again, same problems.

So my question is: what's the best low kick point stick on the market? I don't have much of a slapshot, so I stick mainly to wristers and snappers.

Thanks for your feedback.


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I use the Sherwood Rekker EK15. It's an amazing stick. I took 12 years off from the game and bought a cheaper one piece composite when I started back. A month back playing, and being frustrated that I "lost" my shot, I bought an EK15 and it made all the difference. My shots load up quick and my snap and wrist shots were much stronger. It's the lightest stick out there at 385 grams. I absolutely love that.

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thanks for the feedback everyone. i decided on the v9e - i'll let you know how it works out. thought about the 40k, but just lost faith in the stick and scared to spend that money on a stick that might be very similar to what i have already and am not happy with. I'll let you know how it works out.


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thanks for the feedback everyone. i decided on the v9e - i'll let you know how it works out. thought about the 40k, but just lost faith in the stick and scared to spend that money on a stick that might be very similar to what i have already and am not happy with. I'll let you know how it works out.


Which Ribcor did you have? The original one? I was thinking of the 30K or 40K myself, or the EK15. I heard that the V9 and V9E had durability issues.

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being a TPS/warrior user from way back can anyone give me thoughts on the following sticks....i'm not looking to break the bank here but the following are in my price range and sound decent.

sherwood rekker ek9 vs sherwood T90 LKP vs warrior DT3

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