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Stick length for defensemen

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Hey all,

I play defense (more stay at home D) and debating whether to cut down my sticks a touch. I use lie 5.5 stick and I have it cut to about bottom lip height when on skates. (this is the typically the same length I've used forever playing D). I really like the length for poke checking, intercepting passes, etc, even more so now that I only play non-checking where stick/poke checks are of much greater importance. I'm 5'9" and find the added length helps a great deal, but lately I've been reading that many players use much shorter sticks, even defensemen, in order to increase stick handling and stick mobility.

If I were to cut off say an inch, would it really make a significant difference (not taking the increased stick flex into consideration)? How much do you need to cut off in order to see a real difference? What do most defensemen on these boards have for stick length?


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If you use the search, you will find dozens of topics on preferred stick lengths. It never hurts to experiment, and you can always put a plug in if you don't like it. I wouldn't cut more than an inch at a time, that is a pretty significant change for most people. Especially when it comes to changing the way the blade sits on the ice.

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To sum up all those topics, it all boils down to personal preference. You've got guys who use sticks up to their eyes in skates and other guys who use sticks that only go up to their collarbone w/o skates. This is true from rec league to pro's, forwards to D, tall guys to short guys. Like Chadd said, the only way to know what works for you is to experiment.

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If your a d man you would probably want a longer stick so you have a longer reach to lift sticks,poke check, etc. It also gives you a wider lane to make passes to your forwards. but it really does boil down to personal preference overall. this is just my opinion

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On the other hand, if you're more of a puck-carrying/finesse d-man, you may want a shorter stick. Check out pics of Phil Housley (one of my idols growing up). He's the second all-time points leader among American-born NHL'ers and he did this as a d-man. Listed around 5'10' and used a toothpick.

Naturally, I patterned my game after him (poorly, like not even close) but I'm only 5'6" and my sticks usually come up to around my collarbone w/o skates.

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I play D on one of my teams and have found going w/ a shorter stick helps me to have better control down low near the crease to clear rebounds. It hasn't affected my ability to poke check when defending on a break out. YMMV.

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my son is a defenseman and he prefers stick to collarbone on skates, he's a good positional defenseman so he has worked on his skating versus relying on the stick. He finds the shorter stick is way better for battling and carrying the puck. The longer stick depending on the lie will also force some players to stand straighter and lose knee bend to keep the blade flat on the ice.

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It's all personal preference. Why would it matter what anybody else says, thinks, or cares?

If 99% of people used a stick to their chin, but you played the best, and felt the most at home with it up to your nose, would you conform to what everybody else did, just because?

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