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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A couple of skate questions

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I went from an old pair of CCM Vector U Pros to a new pair of Bauer Supreme 180s this year. I'm very happy with the fit of the Supremes.. I feel like they could lock my ankle in better though. I'm pretty sure I have a weird foot profile where my ankle is narrow and my forefoot is just a bit wider than average though. I tried on a lot of brands before I decided on the Supremes and they had the best fit at the ankle. Everything else the back of my foot would just slip out.. and the Vapors were much too tight across the front.

I feel like my skating has been a bit off though. I've been skating on them since October, probably about 20-25 games on them. I've always skated in the lean way forward, knees bent position. I feel like the skates have been fighting against this if you know what I mean.. If I tie the skates tight up top, it feels like I can't flex forward at all and my acceleration suffers as a result. So I end up keeping the skates loose overall so I can get my knees out over my skates.. but then I lose ankle support, etc.

Are the skates not broken in yet? Or have I picked out a skate that is too stiff? I am only about 130-135lbs on a good day.. I have been skating for about 10 years now though. I've always relied on speed and acceleration to do anything of course. So feeling like I've lost a step there has been a bit tough for me

I did also try on the new Makos. I wasn't too sure I liked the stance they put you in.. but now I'm thinking maybe I should have went that way in the first place since its my natural skating position. Any idea on if I would be better off in a pair of Mako 8s compared to my 180s?


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You should profile the Bauers with a +2 pitch, or put a 2mm shim on the rear tower, or swap the holders for Easton CXNs. Those will get you the same pitch as the makos.

I swapped holders on my supremes and love the result.

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I just bought a model that is based off 180 with upgraded 190/apx2 tongue and I also felt that I was a bit too upright. I tried not lacing the top eyelet and that definitely helped, and that's with a stiffer tongue on mine. However I also kind of like having it slightly stiffer on top so I decided to go back with top eyelet but didn't tighten as much there..

But anyways try just not lacing up the top eyelet. I think that will majorly help you lean forward more

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One thing i noticed about bauers is that they are "higher" cut then some others. Op..have you tried tying them tight, and just skipping the top eyelet?

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One thing i noticed about bauers is that they are "higher" cut then some others. Op..have you tried tying them tight, and just skipping the top eyelet?

I noticed this with the Supreme compared to the RBZ. the ankle came up about 1 cm higher in the Bauers.

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I just tried them on in the house without lacing the top eyelet. It seemed a bit sloppy to me but I could get leaned forward easier. I think I've been wanting a bit tighter on the laces just to keep my heel locked down more.. if I go loose it feels like i'm not locked in as much as I should be. But then I've got the problem where I can't get any forward flex out of the skates.

Anyone have any opinion on a move to Mako 8s?

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Well Ive been using the skip the top eyelet method. It actually helps but I still feel like I'm not entirely over my toes like I am used to. I came from a CCM U Pro skate which I felt had that forward feeling.

I might give Makos a try.. Or I could always modify the Bauers a bit I guess..

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Modifying the skates you have will be cheaper than buying new Mako's. Get a +1 profile first. If that's not enough in conjunction with leaving the top looser, then get +2. If that's good but the fit is off, then maybe check out the Mako's. You might fit into an E width since you're in Supremes now.

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Well Ive been using the skip the top eyelet method. It actually helps but I still feel like I'm not entirely over my toes like I am used to. I came from a CCM U Pro skate which I felt had that forward feeling.

I might give Makos a try.. Or I could always modify the Bauers a bit I guess..

I would get the steel profiled or have lifts installed in the heel, whichever your local shop feels more comfortable doing.

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