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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Tacks Stick Broke - Should I be worried?

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Hey fellas,

I just recently purchased my first CCM stick, the top Model Tacks. I loved it...for three games. I went to take a wrist shot last night and it snapped in two right at the flex point. It's a bit concerning to me, as I've never broken a stick in my many years of hockey.

I'll be calling CCM today since the stick isn't even two week old.

Anyway... To my concern. Was this a fluke? Or should I be trying to get this model stick, once replaced, off hands? I couldent find much about Tacks breaking other than a few reviews here and there, some social media comments, and a 10 year old kids you tube video. You guys have alot of exposure to this stuff so I was hoping for advice or and insight into this model and potential durability issues.

If replaced, I assume I could try to return it and/or sell it.

I was pumped to finally find a non Bauer mid kick stick with good feel, now I'm just bummed!



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Flex isn't the issue; it hardly ever is because you WANT the stick to flex properly, probably bad luck on your end. The Tacks seem to be holding up well across the board. Maybe you took a slash or puck to the break-point and it caused a microfracture that split. I say take the warranty and don't worry about it.

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Man made products can have a premature fail point on different sticks under the same model, because they try to keep it as consitent as possible, but nothing ever is perfect through a process . I don't think this is concerning, as things happen and there hasn't been a major issue with duarablity with the Tacks sticks. Things happen that people don't even think about that could be the cause of one stick failing, your replacement might last a few months and you won't think anything of it. I would be concerned if it keeps happening, but one time happening isn't long enough to tell

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Thanks fellas! That's the message I was looking for - there isn't an exodus of broken Tacks. Shipping back to them today.

I did read the changes between the Tacks and the Tacks ultra... biggest focus... durability. I suppose I could return this one and wait a few months.


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I wouldn't take the "biggest focus......durability" to mean that the Tacks sticks aren't durable. Every company says they improved durability when the next iteration of a stick line is on its way.

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Thanks fellas! That's the message I was looking for - there isn't an exodus of broken Tacks. Shipping back to them today.

I did read the changes between the Tacks and the Tacks ultra... biggest focus... durability. I suppose I could return this one and wait a few months.


Not sure anyone is going to let you return the warranty replacement stick, as it will be clearly marked it is a warranty replacement.

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Not sure anyone is going to let you return the warranty replacement stick, as it will be clearly marked it is a warranty replacement.

Welp - then I keep it! Not trying to screw anyone over. I just figured I would get mailed a brand new stick with standard markings. I loved the stick so I guess I'll just hope the second holds up.


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Welp - then I keep it! Not trying to screw anyone over. I just figured I would get mailed a brand new stick with standard markings. I loved the stick so I guess I'll just hope the second holds up.


I am an exclusive bauer user. A few years ago I picked up a Supreme One80 and it broke maybe 2 weeks into the 30 day warranty. Bauer warrantied the stick for me and I still have it. I don't use it anymore except for pond hockey, because I prefer a stiffer stick and this one became a little too whippy over time. I must have used it for a year after I got the warranty. Moral of the story as other have stated either bad luck or something happened to it to cause it to break. If you like the stick, use the warranty.

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