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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate profiling at home

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If the meaning of "additional equipment/tool" is commercial thing which just you will buy from somewhere, I don't know the other thing except Blademaster's some specific models (ex. BRC2005) and their Custom Radius contouring system.

If that meaning is you will make the contouring system by DIY, it's not impossible thing I think. But I wonder (of course I don't know what sharpening machine have you owned either) whether is it really suitable action that contour the skate blade with level-grinding wheel. Usually we use the cross grinding wheel for contouring but I don't know it's true reason whether to grind the blade quickly or it can't be done level grinding wheel.

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I once saw my local pro shop use a set of "tracks" to profile skates. One for each radius It looked very simple so it shouldn't cost too much. But I have no idea what it's called or where to buy.

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I once saw my local pro shop use a set of "tracks" to profile skates. One for each radius It looked very simple so it shouldn't cost too much. But I have no idea what it's called or where to buy.

There is no way to mount that on the X01. When I first learned to sharpen, we had to do it all freehand. It was a major pain and rarely done correctly.

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