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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice down south

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so how do you guys manage down there? i went down to florida for a couple of days and the humidity really changed my perspective on things. it's really a big difference from the dry winter air in toronto, and i was wondering how your ice is? toronto is pretty dry in the winter and even still, some arenas still can't seem to make decent, hard ice so i'm thinking you guys must have a heck of a time skating through swimming pools and whatnot

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Depends on the rink setup and how it is maintained...prime example is between RDV and Kissimmee...Kissimmee is a smaller rink and it has harder ice, but it's poorly-maintained.

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On Christmas Eve we played pond hockey on our local pond that is maintained by the city. It was +6C and the ice was great. I thought that it would be like skating in Flordia.

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Here in South Florida, pretty much all the rinks have crappy soft ice except for Incredible Ice. They've got 2 rinks, but only one of the rinks has good ice and they keep maintained, the other rink they use for open skating and whatnot is a real dump, feels like you're skating on pavement.

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Here in South Florida, pretty much all the rinks have crappy soft ice except for Incredible Ice.

I agree. That's the place I was thinking of. The Panthers place. I will be there for a tournament in April.

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