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What size heel shim?

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Does anybody know the accurate heel shim height for making supreme line skates feel more aggressively forward pitched similar to the vapors? How about Graf g65? I've seen various sizes people use on this site but I wonder if there are concrete heights out there.


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Never use guides, what you need could be completely different based on your stance, depth of knee bend, etc. Start with one and then expirement with a couple till you find the one one you like best. What others use is not relevant to you.

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Never use guides, what you need could be completely different based on your stance, depth of knee bend, etc. Start with one and then expirement with a couple till you find the one one you like best. What others use is not relevant to you.

I understand that. I just know the stock feeling in supreme skates does not feel natural to me and on hard turns and changes in direction I feel to far back on the heels. What would you suggest for trial and error then? I have been playing hockey competitevly for 25 years and I am a strong, fast skater with good knee bend. I planned on starting with a smaller shim and work up from there if needed..


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Start with whatever shim your shop has that will give you 1 degree. Since you dont feel neutral now, that 1 degree may just get you to a neutral feel. If that feels enough and you are comfortable you can stick with that or try another with a 1/2 degree more.

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1/16" (approx 1.5mm) Supreme to Vapor

1/8" (approx 3 mm) Supreme to Graf

For making supreme line skates feel like stock Reebok 11K skates (with ePro)?

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Start with whatever shim your shop has that will give you 1 degree. Since you dont feel neutral now, that 1 degree may just get you to a neutral feel. If that feels enough and you are comfortable you can stick with that or try another with a 1/2 degree more.

Do you really mean 1 degree or do you actually mean +1 on profiling equipment? Because if I'm doing my math right, 1 degree would be around a 5mm shim on a 288mm holder ( Tan(1 deg) * 288mm = 5.03mm). That seems like an awful lot for a "starting point."

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Why is the Bauer stock shim 2.4 mm?

If, AfftonDad right, 2.4 mm that 0.5 degree. And that (2.4mm , 0.5 degree) pitch difference betwen Vapor and Supreme, and that answer why Bauer stock shim 2.4mm - if you need custom order with Supereme skates and Vapor pitch, you order with Bauer stock shim (2.4mm).

Do you really mean 1 degree or do you actually mean +1 on profiling equipment? Because if I'm doing my math right, 1 degree would be around a 5mm shim on a 288mm holder ( Tan(1 deg) * 288mm = 5.03mm). That seems like an awful lot for a "starting point."

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If, AfftonDad right, 2.4 mm that 0.5 degree. And that (2.4mm , 0.5 degree) pitch difference betwen Vapor and Supreme, and that answer why Bauer stock shim 2.4mm - if you need custom order with Supereme skates and Vapor pitch, you order with Bauer stock shim (2.4mm).

My quick back of the napkin measurements and calculations (far from precise) that I did once led me to believe that each click on the Blackstone shaper system is approximately 0.5 degrees. I would need more time with the shaper system holder to make better measurements to know for sure (I'm not a skate tech nor do I work in a shop so I don't really have access to one). The distance of the "knob" from the center point is of course fixed, so whatever the actual number is, the amount of rotation it would impart would be the same regardless of the skate size. The effect of a shim though would be somewhat dependent on skate size. For example, on a very small skate (size 6, 254mm) the amount of change due to a 2.4mm shim would be around 0.54 degrees and on a very large skate (size 12, 306mm) the change would be 0.45 deg. The difference due to skate size is not that great though, so a ballpark figure of 0.5 degree per 2.4mm shim might be a good "middle ground" rule of thumb. What would be cool about all of this (if it is correct) is that you could easily go between +1, +2, +3 on the shaper system and +1, +2, +3 in number of bauer stock shims (I didn't know there was such a thing) because they would be roughly equivalent in effect. It might not be a coincidence that they were made in this thickness.

Incidentally, I just googled some stuff and found that there is actually a patent application for putting a shim in the heel or toe of an ice skate. You really can patent anything!

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