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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How does a P10 compare to a P88?

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Wouldn't a P28 be closer than a P88? It's not as long and has a round toe, but it's the most toe-only curve they offer right now.

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Wouldn't a P28 be closer than a P88? It's not as long and has a round toe, but it's the most toe-only curve they offer right now.

it depends on what you like about the curve. The P88 may not match up in terms of specs, but it is probably the easiest change for a lot of people. Most of the new toe curves are a lot more extreme than the P10 was.

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I miss the old P10 of the wood blade days. That thing was beautiful.

I've got some of the easton synthesis blades in a shanny I'll send you if you want to relive the glory days lol

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Does anyone know if mybauer will do a P10 even though it's not on the list on the web site or is that only custom orders with minimum sticks? I saw a Nexus with a P-10L code

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