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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Closest Inline Skate to a Supreme MX3 Ice Skate

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Hi Team,

My first official season playing inline this year and I'm after a good skate. Money isn't an issue and I'm chasing quality and performance.

I've been in Supreme Skates for 2 years and love the fit (NXG & MX3). Switching up between Ice & Inline daily so I need something that will make the weekly transition work well.

I've been playing Ice for 15 years at a highly competitive level so I've come to appreciate quality gear and would love your feedback and thoughts?

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You could always go for a conversion (meaning you mount an inline chassis on an ice boot) if you want exactly the same skate - you don't get any closer than that. I always convert my old ice boots to inline and get the next gen for ice, so it is pretty close.

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I was in a similar boat when I was buying my inlines. I couldn't find anything similar to my T1s in terms of stiffness and fit so I had them converted once I bought the NXGs for ice.

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Mission skates have based off a Supreme last since Bauer acquired them a few years ago, but the construction isn't exactly the same. So the general fit will be very similar since it's based on the same last, but the feel may be a different due to the differences in matrials. The top end Mission models of the past few years (Inhaler DS1 is the current top model) will be the closest you'll find without doing the conversion gosinger suggested.

The Sprung or Marsblade chassis are two options that feel a bit closer to ice than a hi lo or flat chassis. Converting some Supremes and using either the Sprung or Marsblade should make the transition between ice and inline easier. There are threads on this site that discuss both options in detail.

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The Sprung or Marsblade chassis are two options that feel a bit closer to ice than a hi lo or flat chassis. Converting some Supremes and using either the Sprung or Marsblade should make the transition between ice and inline easier. There are threads on this site that discuss both options in detail.

I think this is going to make a bigger difference than anything.

I have XR5s and x7.0s and the fit (except the tongues) is near identical. The straight HiLo roller frame feels great, but it just doesnt feel like ice.

Convert your NXGs or buy another set on eBay.

There are some Marsblade chassis in the Gear Exchange.

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Thanks team!

I've just put my order in for the Mission Inhaler DS1.

Feedback and recommendations were very much asppreciated.

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The sizing should be the same as your current supremes (assuming they fit you well) so that's a safe order. If you're fine skating with them with the stock chassis that's a bonus, but if you aren't you can always buy Marsblades or Sprungs and have them put on for a more ice like feel and sell off the stock chassis to help cover the cost.

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