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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kovy_Ribs' infamous video

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Pretty sick. I notice that you keep the puck more towards the heel of your blade. Does that help in your stickhandling? I generally tend to keep it in the middle.

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Kovy. You remind me of my center in high school. All I had to do was sit in the front of the net, watch a bunch of moves like that and then roof it when he passed it to me on the middle of my blade.

In short ... nice.

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The Kovy Pro stock is kinda weird, a small heel curve with a good twist at the toe. Add to this a big rocker, I may have 1 cm that is touching on the ice. I like to keep the puck on the heel. On the ice the puck is always staying on the part of the blade that I don't have tape when I stickhandle(heel-mid), and when I shoot, I wrist roll the puck with the middle to the toe and then on the spot I want.

Add to this that it is the longest blade I've ever seen.

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Hey Kovy...What is that material you have there?

Nice vid

High polythene something...There is a topic on it in the Ice hockey forum.(I got a 4X10 feet)

Any chance you can post the link for it plz m8! I've had a look and i cant find it and i would really like to get my hands on some of that material.

Sweet video btw! B)

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I didn't bought it online. I bought it at someplace here in my town. I'm sure if you guys go to a place where they do some plastic board and stuff and metal stuff and you ask them if they have this kind of sheet. That's what I did and they had it.

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Nice to see you kept your shorts on, but man, you need to get some no-show socks man...you lookin like those old people down in Miami Beach.

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Nice to see you kept your shorts on, but man, you need to get some no-show socks man...you lookin like those old people down in Miami Beach.

:angry: The socks are a French Canadian thing. Trust me.

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Where the hell have I been???? Nice videos KOVY. Skills to pay the bills.

Take a pic of how you tape your blade. I'm not sure what you mean by taping an X on your blade. (I wanna be just like you!, J/K)

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Nice to see you kept your shorts on, but man, you need to get some no-show socks man...you lookin like those old people down in Miami Beach.

He could wear ANYTHING, his skills make him look good.

I mean, he could sport pink sweatpants or some lingerie - no matter what - he would just look cool.

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You are sick :o

Ladies must like the quick hands aswell

i think kovy can be offically named the ronaldinho of Hockey

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Hey...Kovy vids are back! Cool. So can you play them in real time? The ones I see appear to be on fast forward ;)

Skepticism or jealousy? You decide.

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Hey man, great stuff... i believe the material you are using is High Density Polyethelyne, or some thing like that...

low coefficient of friction, same material used in hip prosthetics...

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