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Profile help for my 11 yr Daughter?

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I got my daughter's steel profiled 2 months ago with a 13' radius and 1mm pitched forward on size 3 Graf 735 Premium skates. She was using Bauer Velocity skates last season with factory steel with no profile done. I was thinking this season it was a good move to get her new Grafs profiled to help her with skating. She is a good skater but it seems this season since using the new skates she has taken a step backwards with her skating as it's not as good as last season with her Bauers. I was thinking getting a 13' that her straight line speed would be faster but haven't noticed this. She is saying she isn't as agilie with her edge work as she was with her old skates. Not sure what the radius was on those Bauers, like maybe a 10' I'm thinking? Just wondering if you guys could give me some suggestions to help me in deciding what to do. I don't know much about profiles and how they work, but a little bit from what I've read on here. Correct me if I'm wrong that a 13' radius puts more steel on the ice so your straight away speed should be faster and if you go with a lower 9' radius there is less steel on the ice but you will be more agile on the ice? I'm thinking that she might need like a 9' or 10' radius to make her more agile again. What do you guys suggest? Thx.

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Factory LS2 Bauer steel is 9'
LS3 is 10' IIRC. That mild forward pitch is probably fine.

Take her to 10' and leave her skates alone, dad!

IMNSHO, kids don't have the ability (or care) to be that scientific or self-feedback critically enough to appreciate minute changes in pitch or profile.
If you want to be scientific about it, do it with your own skates.

My own hardly notice if their steel is getting dull.
"Need your skates sharpened"
"I dunno, dad"

Once they lose an edge and fall down a few times:
"Hey, need your skates sharpened? I saw you lose your feet a few times."
"Oh yeah! They're really dull, dad." :dry:

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Do you still have her old pair of skates? Check the blade wear, it'll show you where her weight is focused on the steel (the more use the skates have seen the better indication you'll get), over time they acquire a "natural profile". A good tech should be able to adjust her new pair to get similar results.

Main concept of profiling is to maximize blade contact with the ice so you get more control/power out of every stride; some folks favor control, others more power, some want a bit of both. Tough to say what will work best for your daughter as everyone is different. I use a combination profile, 10ft in the front and 20ft in the back; after trying a few different set ups that's what works best for me and my skating style.

It can be difficult with kids as most don't know what they like or are able to adapt to whatever they're using.

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Get a combo radius. I have Bauer junior skates in size 1.5 and I use a 7 foot / 12 foot combo radius.

Actually Pro Sharp recommends a 9.5-10.5 for female players. from 254 and up and 9-10 for ladies below 254. I use that on the majority of the ladies (12 to 20) I work with. I think she would really notice an improvement in agility.

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Actually Pro Sharp recommends a 9.5-10.5 for female players. from 254 and up and 9-10 for ladies below 254. I use that on the majority of the ladies (12 to 20) I work with. I think she would really notice an improvement in agility.

No-icing sports did my profile and they recommended the 7 foot / 12 foot combo radius.

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No-icing sports did my profile and they recommended the 7 foot / 12 foot combo radius.

Not saying Bob is wrong just going by the websites recommendations and my experience in women's hockey. Also the founder was over at the Biosteel camp a few years back and also recommended profiles that were closer together in the combo's to be better for the North American game. But I am not you and not wearing your skates. I can only educate (as my one of my fellow EQM says all the time).


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