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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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polishing the blade hollow (with felt disc) for better glide

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Hi everyone,

Does someone has an information about blade hollow polishing for the best glide?

I have found this patent:

"Ice-skate blade polishing method and means CA 1159484 A1"
There is disclosed an ice-skate blade in which the portion of the ice-engaging surface of the blade which is inter-mediate the sharpened side edges of the blade, is polished to a mirror-finish, in order to decrease the friction between the blade and the ice. To polish this intermediate surface with conventional polishing compounds, a felt disc is used.
It's sounds pretty much like a nice idea.
Where I can try this?
Can anyone comment on this?
Kind regards
Mr Trololo

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The amount of "glide" anything like this provides is MINUSCULE compared to what can be gained be eating one less slice of pizza, spending an extra 2 mins on the treadmill, or doing one extra set in the squat rack.

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I know a shop who provide such sharpening service with polishing.

And you can find felt disc on Blademaster's web site but it is not a thing for hockey skates.

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Gusto Glide is good enough. People overthink skate sharpening.

Gusto Glide is good enough. People overthink skate sharpening.

The problem is that the sharpening process is really bad. edges are good, but the gliding surface is just a mess. thats why Im looking for solution. I want to polish the hollow at home

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