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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for some feedback on the 1X skates

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There have been no reviews on this skate from anyone on here and I was hoping to get some feedback. Particularly from guys 200 + LBS. that have been in them for 6 months or longer. the more info the better.

I have had fantastic luck with my previous Bauer's however my mane concern is the injected stability lacing system. If it gets cut/rips in the eyelet are you screwed?


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Personally I have the x900's and I have no complaints. I preferred the traditional lacing system and the liner compared to the 1X.

Great skates

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The injected lacing system is really tough -- I have it on my MX3s. If it does fail, Bauer has been very liberal on warranty replacements from what I've seen.

I really like it for what it's worth.

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I have the 1X's and I barely fit in one category of your criteria, I am right at 200 lbs. but I've only been in the skates for about 3 months.

My previous skates are Vapor X7.0's in size 8.5D and I loved the skates and only had two areas of concern. One being that the boot felt like it was not as stiff as I would prefer and I was always having eyelet issues with the very top eyelets. The eyelets were being pulled into an oval shape and the metal was splitting which was chewing my laces. This prompted me to go to the 1X's because it is a stiffer boot and the injection molded eyelet system. My 1X's are size 8.0D so I went down a half size and the boot was very stiff to begin with mainly in the forward flex and that was just until the tongue broke in. I had issues at first with catching edges on both the tow and heel of the skate and I felt as if I was more on my heels when I was skating. I opted to change my LS4 steel out for LS2 steel which made me feel like I was back to being more on my toes and I stopped catching my toes and heels. I was just so used to LS2 steel from my X7.0's and it was just what I was used to. Eventually I will force myself to use the LS4 steel and get used to it since the 10 ft. radius is better. I skated in yellow Superfeet in my X7.0's and really like them but I am using the Speed Plates in my 1X's and love them. They feel great and I have no reason to go back to Superfeet, the molding process is pretty cool and they truly mold to the shape of your foot. Even though my 1X's fit much better than my 7.0's, I started reading about Stable 26 socks and decided to give them a try. After dialing in the gel packs on my ankles, it really enhances the fit of the 1X even that much more. The socks did not change the fit at all but helped fill in the negative space in the area of the boot just below my ankle and the ankle pad of the boot. After reading the Powerfoot thread on this page, I figured I would give those a try because I was getting annoyed with how much extra volume I had in the toe box. This is a personal issue of mine and not a fault to the skates because I had the same issues in my 7.0's. I found that I would kind of curl my toes when skating hard and this annoyed me. After putting the Powerfoot inserts with shim in my skates, this was the last missing piece to the puzzle. My 1X's fit better than I could ever imagine and feel like a pair of surgical gloves. Even without the socks and Powerfoot inserts, the skates felt amazing but the inserts and socks really helped enhance what was already a great fit to a perfect fit.

I have had zero issues with the lacing system and I hope it continues to be durable and is the answer to my previous eyelet issues. I have only seen a few skates on ebay that had the injection molded eyelet system cracked or broken and I have no idea how they managed it. I guess if you took a skate blade just right or took a shot just right, it "may" cause the plastic there to crack or break. I will continue to hope and pray this never happens to me because if it does, I don't know what the fix would be. If I had one complaint about the skates, it is that the outer part of the boot seems to be fragile and scratches or cuts somewhat easily. This obviously is not a huge issue and is merely aesthetic and in no way structural. I also know that they are going to get beat up from taking shot, battling on the walls and scraping against the ice. I was very close to ordering VH skates and was apprehensive about the fit since I've always skated in Bauer's and the fact that if something went wrong, I would have to send them back to Winnipeg. All in all, I absolutely love my 1X's and if I had to buy another skate today, it would be 1X's. I actually was looking on ebay and thought to myself that if I find another brand new pair for a smoking price, I may get them just to have another pair on standby, I like them that much. I hope this helps some and if you have any questions, please let me know

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I would argue that issues with the injected system are far LESS than issues with standard holed eyelets. SURE, things can happen, but consider the advantages over the standard. I love the injected lacing system. Both the MX3 and 1X have benefited from them, IMO.

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I've only used the 1X for two games ( I got a pair of 8.5D to try out for free, with a 9D foot) and apart form the fact that I had no time to bake the skate and have it sharpened properly, But apart from this, the skate felt great. The balance along the blade is fantastic (courtesy of the speedplate) but I sorely missed the thin tongue of my MX3 along with the springboard effect it provides. If you prefer the fluffy tongue and dont miss the stiffness of the tongue inserts, I only can recomend the boot. It's light, the LS4 Steel is awesome and the balance is onseen before. As fot the lacing system, I used the MX3 now from the day it was released until now and its sturdy as ever. It also could be replaced, unlike traditional eyelets.

I only had one issue, as I had some serious bite on the outside of my left anke, where the comfort edge used to be.

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I love the injected lacing system on my MX3s. From what I can tell, it's very reliable. The wrap it creates alongside the locking of the laces, it's really great. I love it.

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