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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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overwhelmed need new skates

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hey gang,



looking for some input on skates but first some background... last time i played i was using bauer vapor XXX's  loved them was playing at major junior level, found out i had cancer. was a couple of hards completely  shut out the hockey world(  i was angry) now I'm in remission and looking to play again.  but holy cow there are so many bauer skate options i don't know where to look or what vapor skate now is even comparable.  can any one lead any info?  feeling very foolish i don't know what gear is out now a days lol

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If you found the Vapor comfortable then just stick with that. Buy the highest level you can afford. That's really all there should be to it, assuming you liked the Vapor. 

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thanks is there any other skate i should check out. I'm not stuck to the vapors thats jus the last skate i had years ago...i feel like a complete newbie looking at all these skates. in a perfect world id like to get a high in skate. been on a couple websites and it seems like there going on sale now.

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Get to some stores and try on as many brands and models of skates as you can. With Bauer the Supreme line will be replaced in the spring so you'll see those on sale at most places (MX3 is the current top of the line model that will be replaced by the 1S. The 190 is a similar skate with a few differences - the main one of the top of my head is LS3 runners instead of the Fusion runners on the top model. The Fusion runners are known to be prone to breakage and will be phased out.) The current Vapor lineup will continue until 2017, however; you may be able to find some remaining 2014 Vapor stock (APX2 would be the top of the line in previous Vapor line and 1X is the current top of the line skate) in some stores.

Bauer just purchased Easton about a month ago so the Mako skates will be discontinued and should be on sale at most places (or will be soon). The Mako 2 is the top of the line of the Easton skates. I'm wearing the original Mako skates and love them - it feels more like a stiff high top running shoe that wraps your foot than a traditional boot. The boot and outsole are all one piece and you put them in the oven for 10 minutes. The boot is almost play-doh like after that and molds to the shape of your foot and then stiffens up when it cools. It's influenced by speed skating technology. Other skates feel very blocky and bulky to me when I try them on after wearing Makos. I would definitely at least try on Makos before deciding on any other skates and it's best to do so at a store that allows you to bake them before buying.

In the CCM lineup I believe the Tacks will be replaced this year so the current Tacks line should be on sale soon.

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Check out Mako's. I had Vapor XXXs for 7 years and when I tried on the new Vapor line, I found the fit was slightly different. To me, it felt like the skate had gotten a bit more volume. I  now have Mako's and they are the closest fit to my old Vapors (better fit) that are on the market. I'm considering buying a 2nd and 3rd pair as back up, and for roller hockey.

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Try on everything, skates have changed a good deal in the past 5 or so years. What may have worked and felt good back then, may not work now or there may be something that fits better.


Stay positive and keep fighting. 

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On February 21, 2016 at 8:38 AM, bandits_5 said:

other than the outsole not being as stiff, this is probably the closest  spec wise, to the XXX -  http://www.icewarehouse.com/Bauer_Vapor_X700_Ice_Hockey_Skates_Sr_/descpage-VX7S.html

Just my opinion, but I found the x800 to be a much nicer skate than the x700. It's a completely different quarter package, the x700 shares more in common with the x600 and x500 than the upper end skates. The x800 was the first in the line that began to feel like a high-end skate to me. 

Having said that, some prefer a somewhat softer boot, which would make the x700 a better choice. It comes down to preference really.

I don't have much experience with the other lines/boots, I have a pretty narrow foot and the Vapors have always fit me the best, so I don't bother much with the other options.



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back from the skate fittings today and holy crap how things have changed.

 1.bauer apx 1 skates fit- left skate was fine minus a little bit of pressure on the outside of my left foot. (I'm thinking i didn't tie the right) its been a while? and the right foot was fine on the outside but the top of right foot also felt the pressure( again thinking its user error)?

2. totalone MX3-   no trouble areas like the apx1  right above the toe box felt pressure ( again could this be me lacing them up to tight)

3.  JETSPEED- heel didn't real like it was locked in that well went down a half size to see if that helped and didn't. 



sorry for me lack of info but was trying to keep it as simple as possible 




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Sounds to me like...

1 Too narrow and possible not deep enough (baking may help, but pressure and hot spots are usually an indicator of a bad fit)

2 Depth issue (but close to where you want to be)

3 Heel is too wide (maybe try a Tacks in the same size or even a Ribcore)


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Yes, it sounds like the Supreme is the best fit for you out of the models you've tried so far. If you don't have proper heel lock in the Jetspeeds it's highly unlikely you would have it in the Nexus series as that lineup has one of the widest heel areas. Trying on some Tacks and Ribcore skates certainly couldn't hurt and I'd go out of my way to try on some Easton Makos if you can find them in your area (again, baking before purchase is ideal with the Makos as they change more than most skates with baking).

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