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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Harrow Composite Sticks & Blades

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What does anyone know about these sticks and blades? good or bad. I was looking at a composite blade the other day in my LHS. Toe pattern curve

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We have the OPS at my store. They've sold fairly well, especially for women (we only carry the womens model) and the owners all have their own. They like'em alot the blades seem stiff and have held up very well. They have flexes from 50 - 100 (maybe 110 as well) for senior sticks so thats a plus. I'd suggest it if its a good price.

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Harrow owns Christian and I assume the baldes are the same. I've been using a Christian comp blade for the last couple of weeks. Puck feel is good catching passes and stickhandling but shooting and passing doesn't feel right to me.

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Harrow owns Christian and I assume the baldes are the same. I've been using a Christian comp blade for the last couple of weeks. Puck feel is good catching passes and stickhandling but shooting and passing doesn't feel right to me.

The blades seem thick to me, which tends to effect the puck coming off my stick, thats why I haven't tried one.

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Lots of guys in AB use them. They obviously sell well, but everyone that I know of has broken the shaft after not a long period of using them. Blades are much more stick than Easton, Bauer, TPS, etc. The Sabre has really good grip on it IMO.

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Lots of guys in AB use them. They obviously sell well, but everyone that I know of has broken the shaft after not a long period of using them. Blades are much more stick than Easton, Bauer, TPS, etc. The Sabre has really good grip on it IMO.

Ya here in AB the summer hockey players got good deals on them and they were promoted at high events.

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here in colorado, almost every other player has one of those harrow one piece v2's (well where i play anyway). To me the feel and stickhandling is very nice, a bit heavy though. However, my shooting with it is not as sharp. Personally I'd prefer to use a synergy

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I purchased one of there wood blades and put it in my flyweight. Lasted about 6 games and 2 practices before totally breaking apart near the hosel. Not worth it imo but I havne't had luck with many wood blades so take it for what it's worth :(

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Sorry to grave dig but now that more time has passed has anyone tried the v3 sabre shaft? if so, are the edges as rounded as the vector sticks?

PS: Mods can you please open a thread for a Harrow Hockey v3 composite blade in the equipment reviews section? I've been itching to write a review on them!

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Last year someone in our league got a couple of dozen shipped out (Australia) and about half a dozen guys in my team tried them out - every one snapped after a couple of weeks. Noone touched them again after that.

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I purchased one of there wood blades and put it in my flyweight. Lasted about 6 games and 2 practices before totally breaking apart near the hosel. Not worth it imo but I havne't had luck with many wood blades so take it for what it's worth :(

Do you think wood blades will last a month or what. If I would do that out of a wood blade, I would be happy.

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Sorry to grave dig but now that more time has passed has anyone tried the v3 sabre shaft? if so, are the edges as rounded as the vector sticks?

PS: Mods can you please open a thread for a Harrow Hockey v3 composite blade in the equipment reviews section? I've been itching to write a review on them!

great shaft, rounded with grip. i love the ops, and its a tank compared to the christian counterpart

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Sorry to grave dig but now that more time has passed has anyone tried the v3 sabre shaft? if so, are the edges as rounded as the vector sticks?

PS: Mods can you please open a thread for a Harrow Hockey v3 composite blade in the equipment reviews section? I've been itching to write a review on them!


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