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Flipping a tapered shaft

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I tried the searching function but it did not work.

Is there any downside to flipping a tapered shaft and using a standard blade in it?

If so, what problems are there (aside from butt ends)?

Thanks in advance.

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Just because there is a kickpoint designed near the bottom of a tapered shaft doesn't mean that is the only place it can flex. If you flip the shaft, it won't flex at the top just because that is where the designed kickpoint is. It will still flex at the bottom like a normal shaft, though you won't get the advantages a tapered shaft can give you.

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Just because there is a kickpoint designed near the bottom of a tapered shaft doesn't mean that is the only place it can flex.  If you flip the shaft, it won't flex at the top just because that is where the designed kickpoint is.  It will still flex at the bottom like a normal shaft, though you won't get the advantages a tapered shaft can give you.

I don't think he meant that it wouldn't flex if you flipped it. I don't know what's all involed when it comes to the inner workings of a shaft, but the kickpoint is there for a reason. Flipping the stick over would render the kickpoint useless, so you'd be taking a step back in performance.

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yeah, thats why i said "designed" kickpoint.

My post was directed towards PH_Hockey2, not you dietzie. To me it seems like a lot of people on here think that the stick won't flex if you flip it...

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my point exactly ambro.........

i dont know why you would wanna cut off the tapered end, but im sure its possible

EDIT: unless its like a flyweight, which i remember i saw one that almost flared out to accept tapered blades

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It doesn't really matter, no offence but this is a huge waste of money. You'd be better off selling of trading the shaft on here and getting a new one.

Well, considering I paid 1/3 of what the retail equivalent would cost I would hardly call it a "huge waste of money."

I was just curious as there is a real lack of good tapered wood blades (in patterns I like) available in my area and was wondering what the downside of flipping the shaft to accomodate standard blades.

I guess I'll just sell my Easton Nolan Pattern Graphite blades I was thinking of using...

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I tried the searching function but it did not work.

Is there any downside to flipping a tapered shaft and using a standard blade in it?

If so, what problems are there (aside from butt ends)?

Thanks in advance.

There's no real downside, but there really isn't a benefit to doing so either. It will work just fine as a shaft but you won't see any of the performance benefits you would normally see from a OPS.

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I have a cut down Vector 110 that I got from Eazy_b97, I'm not sure how much it's been cut down, but on this stick a standard blade wouldn't fit into either end! I had to take a good amount off of a blade and a butt end to fit into either end, it was kind of wierd. So don't count your chickens before they're hatched, make sure the blades even fit before you make a decision.

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I have a cut down Vector 110 that I got from Eazy_b97, I'm not sure how much it's been cut down, but on this stick a standard blade wouldn't fit into either end! I had to take a good amount off of a blade and a butt end to fit into either end, it was kind of wierd. So don't count your chickens before they're hatched, make sure the blades even fit before you make a decision.

It's those stupid ass Vectors! It wasn't even cut down at the butt end, but it was so sloppy all the way up I couldn't put a butt end in. On the plus I did make it into a tapered shaft, which is rare with Vectors.

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did you get a weird run or somthing??Mine sucked but i could put a reg. blade in it.

How did u make it into a taperd shaft???

im guessing he took the blade at the blade out and didnt mess up the shaft walls.

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I bought a TPS shaft that used to be a tapered OPS and stuck a standard roller hockey blade it in it without flipping the shaft or cutting it down..

Get the blade, and sand down the part that inserts into the shaft. I have a bench grinder, so it was really easy for me. A belt sander or even an orbital would work, it will just take a little longer. Just be sure you sand equal amounts off of each side...

Oh another trick - when I was putting that stick together, I didn't have a heat gun available... hmmmmm.. what to do? oven? nah, I'd have to stand there for an hour.. hair dryer? nah, probably not enough heat and the wife would be pissed..

AH!!! Gas Grill!!! worked like a champ, and my stick smells like steaks!

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Oh another trick - when I was putting that stick together, I didn't have a heat gun available... hmmmmm.. what to do? oven? nah, I'd have to stand there for an hour.. hair dryer? nah, probably not enough heat and the wife would be pissed..

I use an electric stove and it only takes a few minutes.

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