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Help! Need a bag recommendation

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Hey Everyone,


First post here and pretty new to hockey. I am in the process of buying all my gear for the first time. Excited to start my Adult learn to play classes in June and then join my local rink's D league in September. I am a bigger guy (6'0 290lbs) and want to make sure I am getting the right size bag for all my gear. Would 36" work, or should I go 40". Trying to not spend a whole lot of money on a bag...still need some gloves and pants (which is a whole other issue for a 46" waist ugh).


Can I get away with a basic bag? Or is it worth it to spend the extra on a nice bag?


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Some may disagree, but I would strongly advise against the 40" bag and go with a standard 32 or 36.  It will easily hold all your gear, and fit much easier in both your car and locker room.  You will learn over time what you need to carry with you versus leave at home.  Some guys have everything but the kitchen sink in their bag, which adds to both weight and size.  A basic canvas, tarpaulin (my preference), or heavy duty polyester bag will work.  I would advise against a bunch of exterior pockets, zippers, mesh, etc - it is more stuff to rip, break or tear.  It is really hard to go wrong with any of the major manufacturers "pro style" bags.  Pick a color and style you like.  

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some things are worth spending a little bit of money on and your hockey bag is one of them. it's going to get used and abused, sit on wet locker room floors, bake in your car while you have a few post game beers, etc.

imo the best bag out there is the Warrior Pro Bag:



it has interior skate pockets, accessory pockets for tape and such and is made to last. the 32" will be plenty big enough for your stuff and you'll never need to buy another bag again.

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I echo that some things are worth the extra dough.. Skates, stick, bag.


I like quality Bauer hockey bags, with wheels, pockets, and a handle.  I own this one:  http://www.hockeymonkey.com/bauer-hockey-equipment-bag-s14-premium-wheel-medium.html


You'll be able to "drag" it, saving energy for the ice!

You'll be able to "drag" your beer cooler along side it!

You'll be able to "thread" your sticks through the convenient straps on the top of the bag, so you can carry ALL your gear at once..(still have a free hand for your beer)

You'll be the envy of your team!  36" is plenty...good luck!


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Awesome. Thanks so much for the replies guys!


I really like the look of that Warrior bag (as well as all of their gear, really. Thinking about some pro stock AX1's for my gloves)


I wasn't even considering the wheel options but ya know now that you mention the free hand for beer they are looking more and more convincing!

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2 hours ago, shoeshine boy said:

some things are worth spending a little bit of money on and your hockey bag is one of them. it's going to get used and abused, sit on wet locker room floors, bake in your car while you have a few post game beers, etc.

imo the best bag out there is the Warrior Pro Bag:



it has interior skate pockets, accessory pockets for tape and such and is made to last. the 32" will be plenty big enough for your stuff and you'll never need to buy another bag again.


I have the Warrior Pro bag and like it quite a lot.  The only thing I would change if I could wave a magic wand and get exactly what I want is a three sided flap on the top vs. just a single zipper down the middle, but that's a nit for sure.

Note that the "Pro" style bags are only 32" long but are significantly taller than other longer bags, so the interior volume is similar.


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I've had the Warrior pro bag, and I found the straps tended to slip off my shoulder pretty easily since they don't have a velcro closure to hold them together. I got the 32" Easton Team Pro Carry bag and I like it much better than the Warrior (and it's cheaper). http://www.hockeymonkey.com/easton-hockey-equipment-bag-team-pro-lrg.html


This CCM Pro Carry Bag also looks like a pretty good deal:  http://www.icewarehouse.com/CCM_Pro_Player_Carry_Hockey_Bags_32/descpage-CPROPB.html

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+1 for the Warrior Pro Bag


But... like ntwusc said, the straps do tend to come off the shoulder. Other than that, I love mine.

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Another vote for the Warrior Pro Bag. I bought one a few years ago based on recommendations from people here on MSH, and couldn't be happier.

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I'm a big guy (5'7 315 lbs) and just started playing this year.


I bought a 40" bag and I have a good amount of empty space.  A 36" bag would have been more ideal.

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