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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Did I make a mistake?

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Hello everyone, I've got a question: 

Recently, I made the jump from Junior to Intermediate sticks, thinking the length boost would be beneficial. So far, the experiment has had mixed results. While I'm a fan of the longer reach, the sticks (even a 55 flex) feel stiff, and the lie is too high (my Intermediate stick rests entirely on the heel). With so many retailers running sales, is it a good time to jump back down to Junior if it's the right move? 



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1 hour ago, dkmiller3356 said:

You need to use the stick that is the right length for you.  General wisdom is your nose when standing on your feet and to your chin when on skates.  Ask your coach for advice.

If conventional wisdom is the case, then I should absolutely go back down. My RibCor comes to my eyes on skates.

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Lol, way to long by at least 4". I believe it also depends on how skilled you are, for players starting out to mid skilled I try to get them to use a stick that is around mid throat area when in skates. Then as they become a better player, add a 1/2 inch at a time until they find the length they like that complements their skating style, puck handling and shooting skills.

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13 minutes ago, Vet88 said:

Lol, way to long by at least 4". I believe it also depends on how skilled you are, for players starting out to mid skilled I try to get them to use a stick that is around mid throat area when in skates. Then as they become a better player, add a 1/2 inch at a time until they find the length they like that complements their skating style, puck handling and shooting skills.

I don't think I'd call myself very skilled. I just crash the net more than I make skill plays.

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IMO most people are using sticks that are too long for them, especially people that think you need a long stick to play D.

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Sounds like your stick is too long my friend!  A shorter stick will help you in a variety of ways... it will give you more control as you stick handle and at the same time it will help promote bending your knees as you skate and play.  Key is to make sure your blade is flat on the ice - this is where stick lie comes into play.

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Thanks for the help. I've been looking and found a few good sticks for cheap, and even less with summer sales. Aside from depth (12mm to 9mm), is the W01 different from the PM9? The lie (5) is good for me.

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50 minutes ago, Jamarquan said:

Thanks for the help. I've been looking and found a few good sticks for cheap, and even less with summer sales. Aside from depth (12mm to 9mm), is the W01 different from the PM9? The lie (5) is good for me.


I've got a Bauer intermediate One80 in PM9 and a Warrior senior AX3LT in W01... Held up together you'd be hard pressed to see any difference at all, including depth.



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Hm, ok. I wasn't a huge fan of the PM9, so probably good to skip on the W01. What about the P45? I've heard it's similar to the Kane.

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Update: I've been on the ice the last two hours using a 47 PM9 NXG. Better than remembered. Shots had good spin and velocity, stick handling took some adjustment but was good, and clappers were good. High velocity, but couldn't lift off ice.

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2 hours ago, Jamarquan said:

Update: I've been on the ice the last two hours using a 47 PM9 NXG. Better than remembered. Shots had good spin and velocity, stick handling took some adjustment but was good, and clappers were good. High velocity, but couldn't lift off ice.

sticks to stiff then,

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2 hours ago, Jamarquan said:

Update: I've been on the ice the last two hours using a 47 PM9 NXG. Better than remembered. Shots had good spin and velocity, stick handling took some adjustment but was good, and clappers were good. High velocity, but couldn't lift off ice.

Could be technique or face angle...possibly a combination of the two. If possible, try something with an open face.

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2 hours ago, stick9 said:

Could be technique or face angle...possibly a combination of the two. If possible, try something with an open face.

I've got a P46 RibCor, still can't lift it very well, so it's down to technique. 


2 hours ago, getthekidthepuck said:

sticks to stiff then,

Really? I thought 47 (and plugged 2 inches for that matter) would be plenty flexible. 

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It's not too stiff.  With proper technique, you could use an iron rod and still raise the puck.  Without seeing you shoot, it's tough to diagnose, but I'd say you're likely not positioning the puck correctly, and not following through.  You may also be rolling your wrists too early.  How far behind the puck is your blade hitting the ice?  A lot of beginners will try to pick the puck cleanly, not taking any ice, which will usually result in a shot along the ice.

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Generally your skating ability is one of the biggies for shooting, if you can't skate well you can't shoot well. If you don't have access to a coach then search youtube for shooting videos, there are a lot out there. Next time at the rink take your ph / camera and video yourself shooting (ideally from front, side and behind and try to also capture where your blade is striking the puck) then compare what you are trying to do versus what is actually happening. Self analyses will help you a lot at the start but the big danger is developing bad habits. The best thing you can do at this stage, if you don't have lots of ice time, is get yourself a shooting pad and as many pucks as you can then start  practising every day. Even after 2 or 3 weeks you will begin to notice a big difference.

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9 minutes ago, Vet88 said:

Generally your skating ability is one of the biggies for shooting, if you can't skate well you can't shoot well. If you don't have access to a coach then search youtube for shooting videos, there are a lot out there. Next time at the rink take your ph / camera and video yourself shooting (ideally from front, side and behind and try to also capture where your blade is striking the puck) then compare what you are trying to do versus what is actually happening. Self analyses will help you a lot at the start but the big danger is developing bad habits. The best thing you can do at this stage, if you don't have lots of ice time, is get yourself a shooting pad and as many pucks as you can then start  practising every day. Even after 2 or 3 weeks you will begin to notice a big difference.

I wouldn't call myself the best skater, or even a very good one, but I'm not awful. I do have limited access to a coach or ice time, and was planning on getting a shooting pad over the weekend.

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16 hours ago, Jamarquan said:

I've got a P46 RibCor, still can't lift it very well, so it's down to technique. 

Really hard to say without seeing your shot. If I had to wager a guess, I'd say the puck is too far in front of you when shooting and/or you aren't following through properly.

There is an old saying "it's not the arrow, it's the Indian".

Think of a hockey stick as tool designed to help you perform a certain task. A better tool can help make the job easier, but it will never make up for a lack of skill/knowledge or make up for improper technique. Once you find a stick you are comfortable with (ie blade lie, flex & pattern) work on your technique.

This guys video's are pretty good.



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