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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest phillyfan

Screename origins....

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Guest phillyfan

How/when/why did you come up with your screename? Phillyfan is self-explanatory, as well as my IM name. Email addy should be as well if you have followed the Phantoms in the past. But, I've seen some pretty unique screenames and curious on how they were thought up.

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My screen name is Eagles39 because I play for the Eagles and my number has always been 39. My email address is like that because I like to gamble alot. I like to roll dice and play cards so thats where I got it from.

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A few friends of mine used to got hooked on Eazy E because they had a team member who was obsessed, it was mostly a joke and we just changed it around for an email. Added my hockey number (at the time, now just use it for roller) becuase the staight Eazy_b was taken at homtail, I liked it so i stuck with it, plus it's less junk to forget than getting a new one.

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"Shorthanded" was the name of a team I played on for about 6 years. The jersey had a pirate hook-hand on front and a tattered pirateship flag on back (with jersey number on it). Of course in addition to the double reference to "shorthanded" in hockey terms.

The 67 has been my jersey number since I started playing 10 years ago. I chose it because I enjoyed watching Mario and Jagr.

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Very easy for me: I started posting in Internet hockey forums because of my local pro team (got a season-ticket). The team's name is "Kölner Haie" which is "Cologne Sharks" in English. When I thought about a nick for their official board, Hockeyshark was my first idea and I stuck with it for any forum from there on.

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What does Mack have to do with birth... am i missing something huge here?

I play puck for new canaan high school... so mines easy, i'm not #26, but i wanted to keep the same name from corebeam.

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What does Mack have to do with birth... am i missing something huge here?

It's been my name since birth.

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My name is Jason... hence jay. I hope you all weren't hoping for something deeper.

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What does Mack have to do with birth... am i missing something huge here?

It's been my name since birth.

I figured it be something like that and i would look like and idiot. :(

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Well my last name is Kirschbaum. That's cherry tree for you non German speakers. Everyone called me Kirschbaum. Then K-Baum. Then Kirschdaddy. Then K-Daddy. Then K-Daddy-I-Rsch-Baum. Now everyone calls me Kirsch. hence the name. I think K-Dizzle was thrown in there somewhere...

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