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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Step V steel honing?

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I recently got step v steel (the mirror finish/polished steel from step) installed on my LS2 holders.  These are not meant to be honed with a side stone after sharpening correct?  (Obviously if you do it would destroy the polished finish).  Is there any issues with not being able to run a side stone on them after sharpening (which every sharpener I know always did on my previous standard steels)?

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Any polished runner, especially a dark color, shouldn't be stoned. Likewise, any dark matte finished color shouldn't be stoned either. You can use a piece of leather to deburr a skate after sharping. A stone on the other hand shouldn't be used. I have limited sharpening experience at this point, but from the countless threads I've read about dark or polished runners, they have mentioned this as an alternative to deburring with a traditional stone.

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21 minutes ago, GoalForFun said:

Is the CCM steel even real carbon coating or is it just paint?

IIRC it's an oxidise finish, purely cosmetic. 

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3 hours ago, vinprun71 said:

Just saw another option. Believe it or not, people are using scouring pads for blades that shouldn't be stoned. See the below link.


I thought that those are being used in place of honing stones on non coated blades only. Correct me if I am wrong.

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45 minutes ago, kadayo said:

I thought that those are being used in place of honing stones on non coated blades only. Correct me if I am wrong.

I thought the same. From what I'm reading, as long as you're not using a metal scoring pad, you're good to go. See the article below as reference.


Also see this tweet.

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