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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Attack Pads

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How do you all tape your sticks for roller? I know if you tape it all around, it drags and doesn't slide. I use an attack pad from franklin. What do you all use?

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I just tape my sticks normally and use wax, I used to just strip tape the front but never could get used to it.

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I used to put four strips on, two for each side. i started to use the attack pad because it felt better and was thicker...when i used tape it didn't feel like i had anything on the blade.

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I used to use an attack pad, but I didnt like it too much. I always thought that it was way too grippy, and that things like toe drags and other stickhandling moves were alot different and harder than I was used to, because of the grip. I just use crazy glue on the bottom of the blade and then tape normally. People say they dont like the friction, but I dont think its that bad at all.

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I tape my stick like normal, then cut the tape off the bottom with a razor. The key is to first rub the tape against the blade, to make sure its really stuck to it, then use a fresh sharp razor to cut off the bottom. Works like a champ.

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I tape my stick like normal, then cut the tape off the bottom with a razor. The key is to first rub the tape against the blade, to make sure its really stuck to it, then use a fresh sharp razor to cut off the bottom. Works like a champ.

Same.... the other blokes in the team used to look at me like.."What the hell dude?" But now I've got a few doing it and all my juniors love it as well. Definately the best method around :)

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Used to go no tape until I got an OPS. Tape all around, and I've learned to like the drag--I play indoor. Back when I played outdoor hockey I would never tape it, I hated that drag.

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I tape it all the way around.I never used to tape it at all. I tried it once and after playing for a few minutes I quickly got used to(and kinda like) the friction.I even tape the toe too.Now I cant play without tape it just feels to slippery!

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ive seen people use them in ice, they say they are almost the same as in roller, but ive never tried it myself, i would think the water would cause it too rip right off

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i usually play roller hockey with a ball, so i dont tape my stick, but when i play puck, i just tape i normally, like ice hockey, then spray it with some furniture polish, then rub that in. it keeps the grip on the puck, but slides over the floor fine. also if you rub it in, it doesnt leave anything on the floor to make you slip over. it also work on leather gloves, if you find when ytou dive/fall, your gloves stick tight to the floor, spray on and rub in some furniture polish and it will sort that out perfectly.

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lol like i want to stick to the floor ash....

and 29'er remember... I tried the shot-tech on ice, and it doesnt come off. The problem is thats why the blade on my old z-bub was all cracked, remember?

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why would you want to stick to the floor? by doing that, you wont, but ive just noticed, through experience that some leather gloves do. also it makes your stick glide over the floor like you have no tape on it!

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