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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your biggest idiot move

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I sniped on my own net last night.

I'm right handed playin right D. The faceoff is in our end on the right side, the play is to win the draw back and ring it around behind the net, far side to the winger that should be on the boards.

Center won the draw back, I got the biscuit and wired it past our goalie, didnt have a chance. I one timed it from the bad ass angle along the goal line and our tender was like "Nice shot man, I didnt even get a piece of it."

The best part was right before we were down and scored 2 quick goals after the clean between periods to get back into everything. I was just yelling to control the tempo as we now had momentum.

Then on the next shift I go and Steve Smith it. Ass. :rolleyes:

Edit: it seemed as though the way I wrote it before was rather confusing to all, so I've revised a bit for clarity.

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yeah, I think he scored on his own goalie when he was trying to use around the back of the boards as a breakout pass. don't hold me to this though.

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I think I get it now, in your own end, you shot it into your own net instead of ringing it right?

Upon re-reading it (with your comment in mind) I think that is the case....

Bad enough if it's a deflection or something, but to turn and wire it into your own net...That's gotta suck.

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When I was coaching peewee..my son's ice team.... my son came and asked me for some money to get a drink as I was getting ready in the coaches room. I stopped whatver I was doing , fished around for some change and sent him on his way.....of course all the other coaches were sympathetic..."yep, that's all we are good for"(money) etc. etc...

Off I went to the rink, stepped on the ice, and did my best "clown stepping on a banana peel" routine....I had forgotten what I was doing when my son came into the coaches room and had left one cloth skate guard still attached....

I was litterally black and blue from my hip to my knee for almost 6 months, and there was still bruising a year later...I suspect I may have broken something in my hip....I had had Lymes diease for a long time, and was never able to cure it completely...bones tend to get pretty fragile with that illness.

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My bumbest thing happened to me this weekend in my tournament in Quebec. It was a tie game 0-0 against a team from St. John and I was penalty killing and their one guy was set up on the half boards. he sent a pass across the box and i tried to stop it and tipped it in my own net. It sucks cuz we lost that game 1-0, lol but we still advanced :) . However, it was a pretty sick tip, crossbar and in, lol.

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My bumbest thing happened to me this weekend in my tournament in Quebec. It was a tie game 0-0 against a team from St. John and I was penalty killing and their one guy was set up on the half boards. he sent a pass across the box and i tried to stop it and tipped it in my own net. It sucks cuz we lost that game 1-0, lol but we still advanced :) . However, it was a pretty sick tip, crossbar and in, lol.

Out of curiosity, where was the tournament?

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No, headonaswivel said that he scored a great goal, then got back into the game, then later scored on his own goalie. The Smith reference refers to the goal that went off Oilers defenseman Steve Smith in the 86 playoffs against Calgary.

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The stupidest thing Ive ever done happened to me tonight.

So were up by a lot against this team, and our goalie has a shutout. Late in the third they come into our zone and one thing leads to another and our goalie has no stick. So I give him mine and then go to block a shot at the poin. The puck bounces off me and down the ice. I go back to get my stick, and pickup the goalies stick for him. I pick up his stick to give to him, and he starts telling me that theyre coming back into our zone. He had dropped my stick and apparently tried to take his from me, right as I turned around to challenge the guy with the puck. At the same time, another guy from my team picked up my stick, and stood beside our goalie trying to give it to him. So we had a goalie with no stick, a guy with 2 sticks, and for some reason, one glove, and me with a goalie stick, which i for some reason hadnt dropped, skating towards the guy with the puck. Well, I really didnt really know what to do with the goalie stick, so I kinda just slid at the guy with the puck and kind of swung the stick at him. Well as soon as i start to slide into the guy, the whistle blows. I got a penalty for trying to play with the goalies stick. I just stared laughing hysterically. I just keep going over the moment in my head and laughing. I dont think im ever gonna hear the end of it from my team and coaches :unsure:

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No, headonaswivel said that he scored a great goal, then got back into the game, then later scored on his own goalie. The Smith reference refers to the goal that went off Oilers defenseman Steve Smith in the 86 playoffs against Calgary.

Video of the "goal" -


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I was playing in a roller playoff game a few weeks ago. I was playing defense, and IMO I was playing very well. We were down 5-3, and I scored two straight goals (both on nice end to end rushes :)) to tie it up in the 3rd, and to complete the hat trick. I played almost the whole period and I was a rock. I was dominating out there, offensively and defensively if I do say so myself!

So, the game ends at 5-5 and we head into OT. At that point I had 3 goals and an assist and had not been on the floor for any goals against. OT starts and I am right back out there. The best player on the other team gets a lead pass and blows by my defensive partner. I haul ass to catch up to him, as he's got a partial break. Right as he hits the top of the right faceoff circle in our zone, I dive to poke it away right as he's about to shoot. The puck banks off the right side boards. I get up, and see that he peeled back and the puck banked off the boards RIGHT BACK ONTO HIS STICK. I barely have time to get back into position and try to get in front of his shot, as he is pretty much right back in the same spot as he was when he was going to shoot the first time. I get in front of the shot, but not in enough time. He snaps it right between my legs, off the crossbar and in. Our Goaltender never saw a thing. This happened about a minute into OT. That goal eliminated us. I was pissed, because I played awesome until that one shift, and it just happened to be the one shift that mattered most.

I'm still bitter about that goal...dammit. :angry:


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No, headonaswivel said that he scored a great goal, then got back into the game, then later scored on his own goalie.  The Smith reference refers to the goal that went off Oilers defenseman Steve Smith in the 86 playoffs against Calgary.

Video of the "goal" -


Still cringe when I see that.

The cool thing was that the next year, the Oilers won the Cup, and the first person to be handed the Cup after Gretzky was Smith.

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I pulled my biggest idiot move last night (hey, I don't have many - I've only played 3 games).

We get the puck deep in the other team's zone and I drive hard to the net so I can park myself on the edge of the blue paint. The other team's goaltender hugs the far left post so he can guard against our guy in the corner. He gets screened as the puck squirts out front to me and I pound it home with as much juice as I can give it while the goalie dives across while the puck goes through him. I raise my arms and our bench erupts in a cheer. The ref gives the washout signal. The goalie gets up and one centimetre of the puck is still on the goal line. Man, did I feel dumb.

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No, headonaswivel said that he scored a great goal, then got back into the game, then later scored on his own goalie.  The Smith reference refers to the goal that went off Oilers defenseman Steve Smith in the 86 playoffs against Calgary.

Video of the "goal" -


Still cringe when I see that.

The cool thing was that the next year, the Oilers won the Cup, and the first person to be handed the Cup after Gretzky was Smith.

Yeah, I remember reading about that in Gretzky's book. In the video "The Boys on the Bus" it shows the goal, and it shows Steve Smith in tears at the handshake. I can still picture it in my head....I felt so bad for the guy.

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My biggest dumbass move was in the semi-finals of the playoffs.

The Opponents were up 3-2 about 3mins left we had a Power-Play. Face off was in our end it comes back to me so I start a Fedorov rush trying to go end to end and equalize. I got as far as our blue line when I tried to challenge the only forechecker even though I could have easily took a different route where there were no players.. but he picked me off and ripped it thru our goalie to seal the deal. I learned from my mistake so I guess it wasn't that bad.

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No, headonaswivel said that he scored a great goal, then got back into the game, then later scored on his own goalie.  The Smith reference refers to the goal that went off Oilers defenseman Steve Smith in the 86 playoffs against Calgary.

Video of the "goal" -


Still cringe when I see that.

The cool thing was that the next year, the Oilers won the Cup, and the first person to be handed the Cup after Gretzky was Smith.

Yeah, I remember reading about that in Gretzky's book. In the video "The Boys on the Bus" it shows the goal, and it shows Steve Smith in tears at the handshake. I can still picture it in my head....I felt so bad for the guy.

I was AT that game.......

He wasn't the only one in tears that night.......I think half the crowd was crying as well...

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I would have given up a lot to have been able to see the Oilers play at Northlands in those days. I didn't get into hockey until 1991 :(

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I would have given up a lot to have been able to see the Oilers play at Northlands in those days. I didn't get into hockey until 1991 :(

Yeah - I'm lucky..been going to Oiler games since the WHA days (Yes - I be old.. :lol: )....

My Spine still tingles when I remember the first cup winning game against the Islanders...


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Back on the topic...*lol*

I was in Pee Wee (many, MANY years ago).

I skated back to a loose puck with intentions of "shooting" it around the boards in our own end. Mis-Played the angle, banked it off the endboards perfectly into the back of our goalies skate and into our own net.

I haven't played deep in my own end since..*lol*

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