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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer LS5 Black Carbon Steel

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17 hours ago, oldtrainerguy28 said:

No clue how to put the pic in here but it's on Facebook anyway. Anyone have a better pic? What's the coating looks like Tyden's older Black Steel finish? Price?

Is it DLC or a painted type like the orig Tyden?

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I meant isn't it spelled Tydan and not Tyden as the previous poster wrote. I'm not saying it's their steel.

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Yeah it would be nice if it was an actual DLC type of coating. Color doesn't do it for me. I'd like some performance advantage to go along with it.

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gave my .02 in another thread:

"2nd jimmy's take on the new LS5's as far as the coating being thin and wearing easily- sharpened 2 sets now and both seemed to wear thinner using nothing harsher than a chamois to wipe it clean.  On the plus side there was little to no burr and did finish nicely, with the coating at least not interfering with the edges (unlike OEM CCM black/super polished coatings); would not recommend however as not as durable Tydan DLC (or STEP BlackSteel)."

Have seen these sets a couple of times now and don't find them to be any more durable than a regular LS3 blade edge-wise, same with the finish which scratches easily too.

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20 minutes ago, regsharp said:

gave my .02 in another thread:

"2nd jimmy's take on the new LS5's as far as the coating being thin and wearing easily- sharpened 2 sets now and both seemed to wear thinner using nothing harsher than a chamois to wipe it clean.  On the plus side there was little to no burr and did finish nicely, with the coating at least not interfering with the edges (unlike OEM CCM black/super polished coatings); would not recommend however as not as durable Tydan DLC (or STEP BlackSteel)."

Have seen these sets a couple of times now and don't find them to be any more durable than a regular LS3 blade edge-wise, same with the finish which scratches easily too.

They are good for their price point, but not comparable to STEP or Blackedge.

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