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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice/snow buildup

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What do you guys do to prevent snow buildup on your stick blades?

I've been using simple wax, and it's better than nothing but the snow still sticks.

I've been wanting to try the easton stick wax but I dunno if it's any good.

I do wipe my blade down after every shift or so but if I forget I've got a sticksicle.

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I don't use anything on my blades, I just wipe the snow off after every shift. I've got a ton of Easton stick wax, i'll try that, thanks for giving me the idea :).

EDIT: I could have sworn this thread was about using wax on SKATE blades to prevent snow buildup which explains my weird response, LMAO. I always use Easton wax on my stick blades and have never had a problem.

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Wouldnt touching/rubbing the blade be bad. Your body heat (which is even more elevated from exertion during the game) heats up the tape so when more snow gets on it it makes the lowest layer of snow melt and slush onto the tape of the stick which makes more cold snow stick to the slush stuff. Thats what seems to happen to me..

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What does baby powder do if you put it on your stick?

I'm not sure if there is a real explanation for it....but when i put a coat on after my waxing ( a lot...in fact way to much) there is little to know snow build up.

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What do you guys do to prevent snow buildup on your stick blades?

I've been using simple wax, and it's better than nothing but the snow still sticks.

I've been wanting to try the easton stick wax but I dunno if it's any good.

I do wipe my blade down after every shift or so but if I forget I've got a sticksicle.

I used to use the Easton Top Shelf wax and it didn't work as well as some other ones that I've used. I don't ever use stick wax because i didn't see any noticable difference

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What does baby powder do if you put it on your stick?

I'm not sure if there is a real explanation for it....but when i put a coat on after my waxing ( a lot...in fact way to much) there is little to know snow build up.

I think that's what gretz put on his blades.

Hence the grayish shade.

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just take a regular old white candle and rub it on your blade. Thats what I do and I hardly ever get any kind of build up on my blade.

yeah, that's what I've been doing for years

it's not too too bad, but like I said, if I don't wipe my blade every couple shifts or so, it'll still slush up a bit.

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The Easton wax is basically worthless. It doesn't go on well and when its on, it serves no real purpose.

That may be the most worthless wax I've ever used. I got it for x-mas a couple years in a row and ended up giving it away. I use Mr Zogs and it works pretty well. I may get a tiny bit of buildup but if I see it on the blade I just wipe it off on the bench..

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Easton wax is terrible. I think I actually got more snow on my blade when I was using it...

Mr. Zogs works very well. I really don't have any complaints.

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Yep Mr. Zogs Sex wax seems to work the best. Some times it goes on really thick but I just rub it around with my hands. Seems to keep most snow and ice off but even if snow does gather it rubs right off.

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By using wax do you feel that the blade looses grippyness when shooting the puck? I haven't ever tried this, but would think it would cause the tape to loose the grip when the puck rolls off of the end.

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By using wax do you feel that the blade looses grippyness when shooting the puck? I haven't ever tried this, but would think it would cause the tape to loose the grip when the puck rolls off of the end.

The wax is a bit tacky and adds to puck grip and puts a bit more spin on the shot.

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