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What is the difference between these two warrior alpha gloves

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11 hours ago, JR Boucicaut said:

Alpha Pro is a Pure Hockey SMU. 

It’s a mix between QX Pro and QX and features a deeper colorway mix. 

Great glove. 

@JR Boucicaut what's the difference between the Pro and the Pro Plus glove that you can customize?

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Whoa, I grear color options! 

You never see the different color "cuff" at retail. (Not cuff, but that area where the logo is. Whatever that is called.) 

I'd love if other companies start offering that. 

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I can chime in, as I own both gloves. 

Besides the plethora of color options available in the Alpha Pro (my Pure Hockey outlet store has even more colorways than listed on the website), the only difference I can find between the gloves is the finger gussets. 

The Alpha Pro have a much softer material used in them, than what come on the QX Pro. 

Other than that, I literally can't find any differences. Same fit. Same palm. Same cuffs. Same finger segments. Same materials (sans gussets). 

Great gloves. I really think Warrior hit a homerun with them. 

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5 hours ago, OzziesDad said:

I can chime in, as I own both gloves. 

Besides the plethora of color options available in the Alpha Pro (my Pure Hockey outlet store has even more colorways than listed on the website), the only difference I can find between the gloves is the finger gussets. 

The Alpha Pro have a much softer material used in them, than what come on the QX Pro. 

Other than that, I literally can't find any differences. Same fit. Same palm. Same cuffs. Same finger segments. Same materials (sans gussets). 

Great gloves. I really think Warrior hit a homerun with them. 

Palm is not the same.  Materials not exactly the same either.  Yes - a great glove though.

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I'm not really sure what to tell you. As I was packing my bag tonight, I went over each glove with a fine tooth comb.

The palms are the exact same Warrior "Pro Palm" in each glove. 

The outter materials are all exactly the same. The inners feel exactly the same, other than the stretchier gussets in the SMU gloves.  The internals all "feel" the same, from the foams to plastic inserts. They even weigh exactly the same.

I don't know. 

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