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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
JR Boucicaut

2005 Easton Catalogue Review

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From what I saw. It was primarily black with blue and green writing. Felt fairly decent considering its price (half the Synergy's original price). I didn't check out the blade, but it seemed decently balanced. Much better than the 4K that I was comparing it to, but this is just feel, weight balance, handle shape (PP) from a few quick spins and checks in the store.

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I just was looking to see thier wood models, but they don't have the weights of thier woodies... ANYHOW:

On the 53rd page they have foresberg wearing a pair of 1300's. Is that legal? Forsberg has always worn grafs, until he switched to the Vapor XX at the launch of the skate...

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Is what legal? He doesn't have an endorsement deal with Graf or Bauer...he has one with Easton.

There's another topic from a couple weeks ago about how players can't change the name on equipment. Would the same thing apply? The easton skates are super-imposed on his vapors I'm assuming of course...

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Any chance of the Ignla curve being re-named? It seems he'll be all Nike upon his return.

I don't think he'll be all nike to be honest. The clips they have of him on the site even have him with easton stick and gloves. I think that since nike doesn't have a glove line and the apollos are so old, that they don't mind too much. You'd never see that in Bauer though.

Any particular reason that Nike only has two sponsored players? Back in the day they sponsored everyone an thier mom...

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Check with a LHS and just see if maybe they'd buy the rest. Weirder things have happened because back in the day I had the old Canuck scheme done on some Easton 1350s and my LHS bought the surplus.

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My buddy had the new synergy 1300 skates and after about a mounth the toe had broken and the fibers were poking into his feet. I also heard from another guy who wore those skates that the graphite on the sides of his skates cracked. If your paying hundreds of dollars for these skates, should this be happening?

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My buddy had the new synergy 1300 skates and after about a mounth the toe had broken and the fibers were poking into his feet. I also heard from another guy who wore those skates that the graphite on the sides of his skates cracked. If your paying hundreds of dollars for these skates, should this be happening?

Yep, I have heard alot of bad things about the synergy skates. but on another topic I spoke with a easton rep today about sticks and he told me the Z bubble is their best selling stick. I asked do you know why and he said because it has great flex like the synergy but is more dependable.-just thought some of you guys would want to hear that.

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