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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Footbed to provide padding to front of foot (SuperFeet Orange?)

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I have been having some foot pain in the front third, bottom of my foot (so, on the bottom of the foot, just behind where the toes attach, and then moving back toward midfoot), after the last couple of hockey games. Nothing major, but noticeable. I have been researching footbeds that can provide some softness there- it looks like the SuperFeet Orange are the best option. Has anyone tried these, or found a footbed that will work for me?

I am in Easton Mako M8 (been in Makos for about 4 years- love them); everything else has been, and still is great.

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I use Superfeet Orange in my work boots and love them. They definitely provide some degree of cushion. Never tried them in my skates though.

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I have used the orange in running sneakers in the past.  From memory they were one of the thickest SuperFeet footbeds that they make.

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What about Shock Doctor skate insoles? I'm pretty sure that's what came in my Mission Flyweights and they feel both cushy and supportive.

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Speed Plate 2.0 has memory foam and has a metatarsal support pad. Both those features may help reduce pressure on the ball of the foot.


Another option, though a bit unconventional would be Specialized cycling shoe footbeds. They have a metatarsal button to support the metatarsal arch and reduce pressure on the ball of the foot. I tried these in place of the stock VH footbeds when I was dialing them in and they felt pretty good.

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