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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Skates

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For those that have Synergy skates, what problems have you had with them, if any? If it was fit, where did they hurt your feet? Performance issues? Holder problems?

Mine feel great around my foot but they are really tight on my ankle. I haven't worn them much, and right around the ankle is where all the padding is, so I wonder if that will move and not hurt my ankle as much. I'd be interested to hear anyone's good/bad experiences with them. Thanks.

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I've noticed that the top of the skate above the ankle digs into my leg a bit during play and does tend to leave me a bit sore when I play a few days in a row. However, the problem seems to be going away...that part of the skate may have to just be broken in a bit.

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I noticed the same spot a bit above the ankles but it went away completely after some time, so not really a problem. Otherwise the fit of the skate is outstanding. You might also want to check out my review ! :D

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Skated in mine for the first time last night and experienced the above ankle issue. I'm expecting it to go away as that part of the skate softens up. I figure a dr soles pad should do the trick until then.

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Same ankle problem and a hotspot on my big toe joint. I skated in mine like 20 times and the ankle rubbing never went away and thats why I got a pair of xxx. The pressure on the side of my toe is pretty bad but they are very nice skates. I had it cut the tops of a pair of socks and wear them around my ankle so I did not get the rubbing. All is all they are a great skate if you dont have the ankle issue.

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Most problems I've seen are the area around the top cutting into the area above people's ankles because there's no give there. I did hear they were addressing it in the future though.

I believe JR mentioned in his review that Easton in fact has adjusted the height on the 2005 model. Likely to address this very issue...

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I don't think it's a height problem for me. I've worn Nike Ignites in the past and never had an ankle rub issue with them. I think once the material around the top eyelet softens a little I'll be all set.

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I don't think it's a height problem for me. I've worn Nike Ignites in the past and never had an ankle rub issue with them. I think once the material around the top eyelet softens a little I'll be all set.

Good point - I'm sure not every problem would be attributed to the height of the skate as you mentioned.

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I would definitely agree on that, I don`t think it`s a height problem.

By the way why didn`t Easton use COIL technology on all higher end models ?

cuz they figured out smaller people cant flex it lol

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I would definitely agree on that, I don`t think it`s a height problem.

By the way why didn`t Easton use COIL technology on all higher end models ?

Because the 1300 is the only skate with a composite structure...

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I would definitely agree on that, I don`t think it`s a height problem.

By the way why didn`t Easton use COIL technology on all higher end models ?

Because the 1300 is the only skate with a composite structure...

That`s obvious, but why didn`t they use the composite shell on other skates ? Just to keep the price lower ?

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I would definitely agree on that, I don`t think it`s a height problem.

By the way why didn`t Easton use COIL technology on all higher end models ?

Because the 1300 is the only skate with a composite structure...

That`s obvious, but why didn`t they use the composite shell on other skates ? Just to keep the price lower ?

That would require radical redesign of every skate in the line and, yes, they would all be more expensive. Not to mention, some people might actually not like the full composite construction.

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Well I had no ankle rubbing yesterday after a two hour session, so it appears that problem is history. I did notice some small flecks of rust on the bottom of the steel the other day. I thought this was quite odd as I always try to dry off my steel before leaving them to dry. However, that's a very minor issue and the skates have felt great to me. I'll post a review in another week or two after some more use.

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