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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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one-piece or two-piece?

do you like one piece or two piece sticks (reply why)  

119 members have voted

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... the gains totally do not justify the cost. A trusty Ultra-Lite, Cyclone, or Z-bubble with a hybrid lami blade is my staple stick, 30 dollars for a blade and 100 for a shaft is so much easier to stomache than 225 for a synergy.

right.... :D

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A bit off topic, but what is the lightest two piece combo you can get ?

Meta flyweight with a synthesis composite blade. The thing weighs less than any stealth or xn10.

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A bit off topic, but what is the lightest two piece combo you can get ?

Meta flyweight with a synthesis composite blade. The thing weighs less than any stealth or xn10.

Is that lighter than a redlite XN10 shaft and a composite blade?

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A bit off topic, but what is the lightest two piece combo you can get ?

Meta flyweight with a synthesis composite blade. The thing weighs less than any stealth or xn10.

Meta Flyweight with an R2 composite blade (the R2 is lighter than the Synthesis)

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A bit off topic, but what is the lightest two piece combo you can get ?

Meta flyweight with a synthesis composite blade. The thing weighs less than any stealth or xn10.

Meta Flyweight with an R2 composite blade (the R2 is lighter than the Synthesis)

My tapered Inno seems like it is literally weightless. Definately lighter than any other blade I've held. My spare L-2 seems like a rock compared to that. I would say the Inno is probably lighter than both, but I haven't ever held an R2 blade and it's been a while since I've held a Synthesis.

BTW I would say I like 2-Pieces more because you can mix and match blades with shafts that you like. Like when I get my R2Xn10 I am putting my Inno Tapered blade in it, because I like that blade more than TPS's Pre-Preg blade.

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A bit off topic, but what is the lightest two piece combo you can get ?

Meta flyweight with a synthesis composite blade. The thing weighs less than any stealth or xn10.

Is that lighter than a redlite XN10 shaft and a composite blade?

I weighed my Meta FW with wood blade and a flush end-plug and it weighed the same as a XN10 with a full endplug.

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my vote goes to two piece because of a few reasons

one being the fact I like to switch blades often and experiment with different curves regularly

also when it comes to sticks nothing is better than finding the right shaft and blade combo

used to be a novius intermediate shaft with an inno fedorv blade until i outgrew the shaft and the blade wore down

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Im not going to generalize either side because I use a stick simply if it feels good or not, regardless of composition, 1 or 2 piece, etc. I will say that right now my redlite xn10 and drury z carbon combo is outperforming everything ive used recently in terms of puck feel, and the thing has unbelievable pop.

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Wow, don't know if it's been mentioned along the way in this topic, but thus far we have almost double the amount of votes for shaft/blade combo as we do for OPS. Very interesting considering we have a pretty large variety of player levels here. Granted only about 90 votes have been accounted for which is a tiny population of our member base, but it's still pretty interesting. I mean, literally all the hockey manufacturers are concentrating on new OPS techology versus shaft technology...for 2005 anyway. Hmmmm.....maybe the OPS hasn't taken over afterall. :P Although I do think the main reasons for these voting results is that most of us have tried them and some either 1) realized that the economical value wasn't there or 2) just prefer the feel of a wooden blade.

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I also have to say that nothing beats the feel of a “wood bladeâ€. Right now I am using my Redlite XN10 with a SherWood custom SOP 950 blade. My only complaint is that the SherWood blade does make the combo feel slightly blade heavy. Performance on the other hand is very good.

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Wow, don't know if it's been mentioned along the way in this topic, but thus far we have almost double the amount of votes for shaft/blade combo as we do for OPS. Very interesting considering we have a pretty large variety of player levels here. Granted only about 90 votes have been accounted for which is a tiny population of our member base, but it's still pretty interesting. I mean, literally all the hockey manufacturers are concentrating on new OPS techology versus shaft technology...for 2005 anyway. Hmmmm.....maybe the OPS hasn't taken over afterall. :P Although I do think the main reasons for these voting results is that most of us have tried them and some either 1) realized that the economical value wasn't there or 2) just prefer the feel of a wooden blade.

It's odd though that a lot of people are voting OPS, but when you look at the topic asking what kind of sticks people have, almost every single person that responded was using an OPS of some sort!

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I've always been a fan of the 2 piece combination. I have had a couple 1 pieces but they just end up being my back up and i go back to my old tank of a Rubber or Z Bubbles. Im getting a synthesis this week, I traded my Vector that I don't use for a Synthesis so I think I will be happy with that decision.

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One piece...

I found a curve I like and have stuck with it for over 2 years (anything sakic-ish)

I've been using composite blades for most of my ice hockey career so the feel, or lack of, that some players who have used wood blades is of no concern to me.

I rarely break blades or shafts

I had a z-bubble with a wood blade for awhile but got a Z carbon when I tried the sakic curve 2 years ago and haven't used a wood blade for any type of hockey since then. I cant even remember how the zbubble with a wood blade felt.

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