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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer P91A curve

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I used to play with an old P91A curve. I loved the curve and still have the stick but I recently drastically reduced my stick flex and a 100flex just won't do. I searched for lower flex P91As but it appears the curve is no longer in production. Does anyone have any leads on similar curves? A square toe would be a bonus!  

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On 11/9/2018 at 3:10 PM, getthekidthepuck said:

To my knowledge True doesnt make the HCR anymore

This is an old thread, but they are available on some models still, like the A5.2 / 6.0 SBP. However, they probably won't be on newer sticks.

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On 11/9/2018 at 3:10 PM, getthekidthepuck said:

To my knowledge True doesnt make the HCR anymore

No, but they do make the HCS which is the square toe the OP is looking for 🙂 They make it on both the A-series and X-core lines.

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You can always go custom, too. Shockingly less expensive than what you're thinking it'll be. At least, in my opinion it is. For guys that love the old classics - Forsberg, Lidstrom, Iginla, etc. who don't want to switch it up - custom is definitely the way to go.

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