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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whatever Happened to Mack and Kovalchuk71

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Mack came back for a while a few years ago.  As far as I know, he's still in Alaska with like 5 kids LOL...haven't been able to find him on Facebook or anything.

Kovalchuk71 is in medical school in Mississippi.  Don't know if there's much hockey for him to play there.  

It's crazy when you think about it - he was 13 when he joined.  And here we are, almost 15 years later...

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I talk to Chris (Kovalchuk71) from time to time and we're friends on Snapchat, and JR is correct. He's doing him with med school, constantly looks busy so I imagine hockey's not on the mind much.

This year was 14 years for me, came on here when I was 14. Time flies...

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On 11/17/2018 at 12:30 AM, Neo5370 said:

I just realized I haven't seen them post in a long time.  Just curious if anyone knew. 

Howdy. It’s nice to be missed ;)

Currently, the closest rink is in New Orleans (~2hr drive), so I haven’t laced them up since July. 


Hope you’re doing well Neo! I’ll try to stop by more often.

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Just now, kovalchuk71 said:

He had the best twig collection too. Especially those Hull MM-ZBubbles 🤤

I was actually able to grab one of those. I use it now and again, thing is unreal. 

Also crazy to think some of us have been around since the Easton Board, corebeam and the entire evolution here.

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I remember how long I lurked before signing on Haha over a decade talk about a commitment.

I still remember being in absolute awe of guys on here; Drew, TBLfan and others.

what a journey it's been.

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9 hours ago, kovalchuk71 said:

He had the best twig collection too. Especially those Hull MM-ZBubbles 🤤

Lol, and those straight, no curve, open lofted shovels.

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On 11/19/2018 at 5:46 AM, Neo5370 said:

Lol, and those straight, no curve, open lofted shovels.

I still laugh at his creation of the word “toemosexuals”......

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