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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What actually is "Advanced Carbon Layering"?

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Fancy words? Probably.  Reduction in quality?  Dunno.  But it is a super vague term.  Advanced compared to what?  The way they layered carbon 5 years ago?  40 years ago?  Carbon layering?  As in the process by which most carbon sticks are made?  As Don Draper once said of Lucky Strike tobacco, "It's toasted."   

Personally, I can't believe I used to eat this stuff up as a kid.  Now, it really turns me off.  A lot. 

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I assume this is ACL used by Bauer? No idea what it is, but in general their products are full of technology described using marketing bull along the lines of PowerTech, EnergyLite and so on. I read the marketing speak and turn off. Sometimes the technology such as Curv is genuinely good stuff, but I wish they would talk in normal language rather than marketing hyperbole/bull, so that I can understand WTF they mean. 

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It's an updated construction process with carbon that is claimed to be thinner and stronger. Less material, plus less glue/resin helps make a lighter stick. Advanced compared to construction without it i assume.

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I can't remember where I saw it, but Bauer removed a layer of carbon fiber from the blade to reduce weight. Presumably, each layer that remains is strengthened in some way.

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