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Thickest laces

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Does anyone know what the thickest laces are that I can buy?

I hate the Elite laces because their thick ones thin out as you pull them tighter.

Last topic I could find was from five years ago, but back then it seems the Bauer Supreme laces and Howie’s laces are the thickest ones you can get?



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1 hour ago, asgoodasdead said:

i didn't know they made different kinds. i guess i'm anal enough to notice the elite are thinner, but not quite as anal as you

Well they are two different manufacturers so...

1 hour ago, stick9 said:

Howie's unwaxed are the thickest I've used.

Thx appreciate it.

Edited by fliteskates

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I like elite bc I actually like how thin they are (the waxed ones) but they def don't last as long as Howie's. 

I like Howie's bc of how durable they are but they have less wax than I'd prefer. Still very good laces though. 

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On 11/17/2019 at 2:41 PM, asgoodasdead said:

i didn't know they made different kinds. i guess i'm anal enough to notice the elite are thinner, but not quite as anal as you

I don't like Elite waxed laces.  They're so thin they tend to roll.  Thicker laces stay flat.

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