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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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as if those have the pump. thats amazing.

They actually do, haha. Fully functional pumps. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them for $39.99 at National.

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as if those have the pump. thats amazing.

They actually do, haha. Fully functional pumps. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them for $39.99 at National.

What National? I'm in Mississauga as well.

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as if those have the pump. thats amazing.

They actually do, haha. Fully functional pumps. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them for $39.99 at National.

What National? I'm in Mississauga as well.

The location close to Erin Mills Town Center - off Eglinton.

PS - I think I played you @ Meadowvale on Monday night. You guys have a good team, shoulda beat us by a lot more, we suck. :P Nice goals too by the way.

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as if those have the pump. thats amazing.

They actually do, haha. Fully functional pumps. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them for $39.99 at National.

What National? I'm in Mississauga as well.

The location close to Erin Mills Town Center - off Eglinton.

PS - I think I played you @ Meadowvale on Monday night. You guys have a good team, shoulda beat us by a lot more, we suck. :P Nice goals too by the way.

Haha, seriously? Yeah, I got the hatty, and I got one against Credit Valley as well.

Oh, and please don't tell me you are the one with the old Winnwells.

EDIT: Are we the only team that HATES playing Credit Valley? The game is good at first but then when you're up a few goals, and they start getting penalties (I'm a small guy, and it's kind of easy for me to get tripped, they were all calling me a diver) they goon it up...my team's captain got lined up and luckily he dodged the check, he would have been done.

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