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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Supreme Fit Sizing

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5 hours ago, start_today said:

@PBH & @psulion22 are the “recent”  Supremes just shorter in length, or is the width reduced too? 

Honestly, I find them to be a little wider. As mentioned earlier, I went from an EE width in the MX3 to a D width in the 2S Pro. And my 8.5D Ultrasonic goalie skates are a touch wider than my 8.5D 2S Pro player skates. I’d have to try on sizes to see, but I’m wondering if I could even get into an 8.5 Fit 1 Ultrasonic player skate, when a previous Supreme D should be a new Fit 2. 

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