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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

where can one buy skate lifts?

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Have you tried your local pro shop?  Seems like you'd also need someone to install them (assuming you mean the ones that go between the boot and blade).  I know there's a guy/shop out in Cali that sells them, he's on S2K under goldengatesharpening so you could always contact him.

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Depending how thick you're trying to go you can easily fashion some yourself out of scrap plastic. If they're to be used long term maybe find someone who knows 3D printing, and see if that process could handle the stress of skating on

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1 hour ago, xstartxtodayx said:

Have you tried your local pro shop?  Seems like you'd also need someone to install them (assuming you mean the ones that go between the boot and blade).  I know there's a guy/shop out in Cali that sells them, he's on S2K under goldengatesharpening so you could always contact him.

This^^ Jake is the man.

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