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RBK 9k Girdle Shell

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I tried searching for this, but are there any modern girdle shells that will fit these? I desperately need a black shell. I'd go try ones on, but I live in the Yukon and we have one shop here and girdle isn't even in their vocabulary 😂


Thanks folks.

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Every shell will fit them just as long as it's not too small, just try to stick with the same size as the girdle.  The 9K style shell from CCM is PP9K or PP90, essentially the same thing just changed the model #.  Warrior makes a Covert girdle shell, Bauer even has a pro stock 9K style shell (with the kidney guards) but even their Supreme shells work just fine.  CCM's newest shell is the Tacks shell which works too, they might even have a Jetspeed shell since they seemed to have ditched the Tacks girdle in favor of the Jetspeed one.  Hell you could even wear pants shells if you don't mind the slightly boxier cut, anything that has a belt or a velcro closure will work, I have a variety of brands/styles and have worn them all on my old 9K girdle and my Super Tacks girdle.  

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Will this shell fit over a pair of traditional hockey pants and if so, does it require you to go a size up? 

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there are 2 types of shells, pant shells and girdle shells. most of the time, a girdle shell is smaller and thicker material. you CAN wear it over pants if you size up but it's going to be hotter. even with my girdle, I prefer pant shells because they're not as hot.

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