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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok hockey now in stock

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it didnt realy help.....what curve does it look like the most?

here's a wild thought... wait til its available at you LHS, then go look at it, and decide if you like it... then, if you do like it, but it from that store!!!

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Greatskate have a lots of Reebok stuffs.


They also have Stealth Grip, SyNergy SL and other cool stuffs =)

None of it is in stock, it's merely for PRE-ORDER only.

None of it is in stock, it's merely for making three months' worth of interest on your money only.

How do they make intrest of there money??When you pre-order you lose money??

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You book your orders, you pay after it ships to you.


If they take your money right now, it sits in their bank, garnishing interest. They get the product in April, pay their bill and you get your gear. But they've made money themselves by having your money sitting in their bank for 3 months.

Shrewd business sense...

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About what time of year do shops place their orders? Would preorders have anything to do with how much of a certain product they order, or are their orders already sent in by now?

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They order now.

Yes, by offering a pre-order, they can gauge interest. However, with a big store like that, I am sure that it's not the case, because they're gonna order a ton regardless. But, like I said, you better believe they are making interest.

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Did anyone notice that although they advertise 3 models, across Snr, Jnr, Yth, all of the pictures look exactly the same? Crazy! The thing about pre orders - beyond the interest in the bank, is that it cashes in on the buyers who want the "latest and (supossed) greatest". It catches sales that might not have otherwise been made.

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You book your orders, you pay after it ships to you.


If they take your money right now, it sits in their bank, garnishing interest. They get the product in April, pay their bill and you get your gear. But they've made money themselves by having your money sitting in their bank for 3 months.

Shrewd business sense...

Yes that would be true if they charged you when you placed your order. But they only charge once your item has shipped.

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Saw the Datsyuk at the Toronto show this weekend. Looks like the Lindros. The catalog pic doesn't do it justice. Either the modano, which is a small mid curve.

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Yes that would be true if they charged you when you placed your order. But they only charge once your item has shipped.

Does it say that on the site?

I just made an "order" and nowhere did it say that my credit card wouldn't be charged upon delivery.

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Yes that would be true if they charged you when you placed your order. But they only charge once your item has shipped.

Does it say that on the site?

I just made an "order" and nowhere did it say that my credit card wouldn't be charged upon delivery.

I don't think it's posted on the site.

I asked them about it when I called to find out the price on the 8k helmet last week.

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