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Different colored visors

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Does anyone know where to get a tint visor like nylander?  Also is there a benefit to the levels of tint?  I’ve seen some with the smoke tint and not very tinted.  Also what’s the benefit of the pink tint?  I am not talking about the mirror visor 


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19 minutes ago, xstartxtodayx said:

I remember hearing the pink helps with light sensitivity, eps for those who have had concussions.  I want to say Domi wore/wears one?  I googled real quick to try to find what I saw and found this article:


I use a pink visor I got from Oakley. I only use it because it comes down lower on my face than any other visor on the market — fully covers my nose. I don’t really notice any benefit in terms of the actual tint itself.  

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My guess  it’s more than the colored tints are less dark than super smoked visors. If you’re trying to find research or studies, maybe also check out goggles for snow sports. Those have a huge range of tints, but it seems like they are mostly for degrees of how bright it is outside, and for aesthetics. 

Pink tinted sunglasses and snow goggles for sure make colors “pop.” That line about “roses colored glasses,” is real. The world just looks better through a rose tint haha. 

I find with snowboarding, a lighter yellow tint helps me see land/height/depth contours in the snow better. But, again, I’m not sure that is so much based on color as it is how much light it blocks vs lets in. Maybe a blue tint that blocks X% of light would be the same result. 

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Different color lenses are used in shooting for different lighting and background conditions.  But I am not sure there is much transference to hockey.

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