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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sweet Ohio State Helmets

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Is it just me or did anyone notice a response rubber with red at the bottom other than the yellow. One of the OSU players were using it but I dont know what number.

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Is it just me or did anyone notice a response rubber with red at the bottom other than the yellow. One of the OSU players were using it but I dont know what number.

He could have spray painted it for the teams color.

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Is it just me or did anyone notice a  response rubber with red at the bottom other than the yellow. One of the OSU players were using it but I dont know what number.

He could have spray painted it for the teams color.

No he didnt, if you go to ccha.com and click on the ohio state logo at the top the first picture there shows the stick.

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Is it just me or did anyone notice a  response rubber with red at the bottom other than the yellow. One of the OSU players were using it but I dont know what number.

He could have spray painted it for the teams color.

No he didnt, if you go to ccha.com and click on the ohio state logo at the top the first picture there shows the stick.

Yea when I was watching I noticed that too. Maybe it is just custom made for his teams colors...?

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Yeah, TPS made custom Rubber Responses for a lot of the guys on the team. If I remember right about 5-7 guys were using them last year. By the way...I think some of the OSU merchandise stores in Columbus sell the helmet strip and the buckeye stickers for the football helmets, so you could make one if you wanted.

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Those jerseys look sick. Too bad I hate OSU.

Still mad about that pass interfernce call? :ph34r:

We got some calls, they got some calls. Bottom line...the better team won the game.

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