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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favorite College hockey player

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Nathan Oystrick- northern michigan

Thomas Welsh - OSU

Skip Renauld - Ferris State

Preston Callander - UNH

Greg Park - prov

Neil Petruic -minn/duluth

Ryan MacMurchy - wisconsin

Thats about all the regina guys i can think of, so yah theres my favorites cause i dont know any other players

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Who's your favorite college hockey Player

Steve Saviano


You are aware he graduated last year, right?

my bad i always get Saviano and sean collins mixed up

they were on the penelty kill last year together

they are both small and quick

I meant Sean Collins

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Brandon Warner- (awesome defensemen and a local guy plus he practices with my team as his younger bro is on my team.)

Tom Goebel

Corey Potter

Chris Snavely

Jim Slater

Can you tell I like Michigan State!

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